(D) NGOC 2025 League 1 - Mallards Pike North Start List

Saturday 18 January 2025 Competitor Statistics (Total=162, Online=100%) See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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SI Card  
Name Age
Club Co. Start Time
Brown (18)
68681950Duncan Innes M60 SWOCGBR tba
238657540Doug Wilson M55 NGOCGBR tba
358517568Caroline Craig W40 NGOCGBR tba (h)
378655902Jessica Ward W20 NGOCCYM tba (h)
498013221Masataka Tanaka M21 SWOCGBR tba
678111711Sam Cottle M21 BOKGBR tba
918528551Adam Potter M21 BOKENG tba
978129916Peter Clothier M55 BOKGBR tba
1058299928Alison White W60 BOKENG tba
1148069675Mark Saunders M65 BOKGBR tba
1181993400Alan Brown M70 NGOCGBR tba
122947191James Wilkinson M21 HOCGBR tba
1258490707Rose Taylor W20 NGOCENG tba
1288282828Richard Cronin M35 NGOCCYM tba
131750018Neil Albert M50 NGOCFRA tba
137434426Chris Cockbain M21 INDENG tba
1398037174Seth Lawson M18 NGOCGBR tba
148TF HireRobert Mills M21 BOKGBR tba

Blue (39)
78681951Christine Farr W50 SWOCGBR tba
158040358Andy Creber M65 NGOCGBR tba
16442974Karl Kingsman M60 HOCGBR tba
188100260Rob Hick M65 WSXGBR tba
258047878Bethan Irwin W45 SBOCGBR tba
271260165Steve Wilson M60 BOKGBR tba
338180362Greg Best M60 NGOCGBR tba
348214525Steve Williams M70 NGOCGBR tba (h)
368401461Peter Ward M55 NGOCGBR tba (h)
401090392Isla Foffa W21 HOCGBR tba
448657400Charles Daniel M65 BOKGBR tba
568091006Robin Irwin M16 SBOCGBR tba
588491270Paul Bryce M55 NGOCGBR tba (h)
63TF HireTom Agombar M45 NGOCGBR tba
668313391Clive Richardson M55 WREGBR tba
688628560Paul Gebbett M55 BOKGBR tba
758477536Marcus Perry M16 BOKGBR tba
768001088Mike Goldthorpe M65 WREGBR tba
778467600Ginny Hudson W60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
848680934David Pilling M55 BOKGBR tba
858260173Bernhard Hagen M50 BOKGBR tba
868516170Leni Hagen W18 BOKGBR tba
878643382Thomas Cochrane M35 NGOCGBR tba (h)
888680940James Clemence M65 SWOCCYM tba
948101255Philip Eeles M70 SOCENG tba
958180459Alan Pucill M65 NGOCENG tba
988505649Richard Davies M65 HOCGBR tba
1018511766Niall Reynolds M60 SBOCCYM tba
1028665076Margaret Reynolds W60 SBOCCYM tba
1118130266Ian Jones M55 NGOCENG tba
1122045660Matt Sanderson M55 NGOCENG tba
1138667571Alice Bedwell W65 BOKGBR tba
1158630846Andy Rimes M60 BOFENG tba
1248490904Rob Taylor M55 NGOCENG tba
1278221169Christopher McCartney M55 HOCGBR tba
1408670602Vanessa Lawson W50 NGOCGBR tba
1461217702Andy Stott M65 NGOCENG tba (h)
1527011117Jack Hobby M21 NGOCGBR tba
1628069685John Townsend M60 SWOCGBR tba

Green (46)
28071053Roger Stein M70 SBOCCYM tba
38668910Ian Phillips M65 NGOCGBR tba
4HireMartin Evans M60 BOKGBR tba
88681947Douglas Innes-Farr M14 SWOCGBR tba
9217751Andy Pedder M70 NGOCGBR tba (h)
128154473Richard Rossington M60 BOKENG tba
172019680Mike Forrest M70 BOKGBR tba
198140962Carolyn Dent W60 BOKGBR tba
208160511James Askew M65 NGOCGBR tba
288129864Gary Wakerley M65 NGOCGBR tba
308659789Don Cload M75 NGOCGBR tba (h)
39347599Kim Liggett W60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
488230357Jackie Hallett W65 BOKGBR tba
508061001Rachel Dennis W55 BOKENG tba
518151255Nick Dennis M65 BOKENG tba
528282825Steve Robertson M70 QOGBR tba
541150655Alison Simmons W70 BOKGBR tba
551081051John Simmons M70 BOKGBR tba
608280154Paul Basher M70 HOCGBR tba
618676068Paul Hammond M60 HOCENG tba
62TF HireAlex Agombar W45 NGOCENG tba
64TF HireKatie Agombar W18 NGOCGBR tba
65TF HireHannah Agombar W16 NGOCGBR tba
698363931Caroline Potter W60 BOKGBR tba
708181962David Potter M60 BOKGBR tba
718000885Rachel Potter W21 BOKGBR tba
748447979Duncan Perry M55 BOKGBR tba
798223211Chris Atkins M45 BOKGBR tba
808508044Ted McDonald M80 BOKENG tba
898376543Laurence Gossage M75 BOKGBR tba
928632901Gwen Tanner W65 BOKGBR tba
938217686Eva Spurling W20 WREGBR tba
1002080009Hilary Barnard W70 INDGBR tba
109442428John Bass M16 HOCGBR tba
119221494Steve Chiverton M70 HOCGBR tba
1202064223Michael Wilkinson M65 HOCGBR tba
1238490803Judith Taylor W60 NGOCENG tba
1268657541Tom Birthwright M45 NGOCGBR tba
1292120577Steve Lee M60 NGOCENG tba
136401244Tony Cockbain M65 NGOCGBR tba
1432159549Mike Farmer M65 BOKENG tba
1537710617Paul Hobby M50 NGOCGBR tba
1551710324Debbie Anderson W50 BOKGBR tba
156HireMax Suff M60 INDGBR tba
1588468648Anders Johansson M50 NGOCGBR tba
159TF HireTom Johansson M18 NGOCGBR tba

Short Green (32)
18210644Graham Tough M80 SWOCCYM tba
58657440David Palmer M75 BOKGBR tba
298413745Tom Mills M75 NGOCENG tba (h)
318221047Pat MacLeod M75 NGOCGBR tba (h)
328413729Rhiannon Fadeyibi W60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
472120529Claire Horsfall W40 NGOCENG tba
532145567John William Parfitt M80 BOKENG tba
721008512Adrian Moir M60 SWOCGBR tba
828194272Clare Fletcher W80 BOKGBR tba
832032783Allan Darwell M70 BOKGBR tba
90HireKate Gillam W65 SBOCGBR tba
99202158Dave Andrews M75 NGOCGBR tba (h)
1041262197Hilary Nicholls W55 NGOCGBR tba
106HireSam Payne M12 SBOCGBR tba
108HireJenni Nellist W45 SBOCGBR tba
1108231067Margaret Jones W55 NGOCENG tba
1168030927Rosie Wych W70 BOFENG tba
1178260950Diana McClure W75 SBOCCYM tba
1218129803Julia Wilkinson W65 HOCGBR tba
134443894Alan Starling M70 NGOCGBR tba
1352136458Ellen Starling W65 NGOCGBR tba
138347596John Fallows M65 NGOCGBR tba (h)
1418070550John Mills M75 SWOCCYM tba
142202145Lily Callard W14 NGOCGBR tba
1442800209Peter Colbert M70 SWOCCYM tba
145222321Susan Colbert W75 SWOCCYM tba
149221218Rodney Archard M80 NGOCENG tba
1501008520Mike Farrington M70 NGOCGBR tba
1518333339Carol Farrington W65 NGOCGBR tba
157261865Alex Kocsis M35 INDGBR tba
1601180373Max Johansson M18 NGOCGBR tba
1618125158Ira Bolshakova W21 BOFGBR tba

Orange (14)
10TF HireThomas Dilley M14 NGOCENG tba
41HireAnastasia Ireland W50 BOKGBR tba
42HireAntony Ireland M50 BOKGBR tba
43HireNicholas Ireland M12 BOKGBR tba
45HireSamuel Horsfall M12 NGOCENG tba
46HireEmily Horsfall W10 NGOCENG tba
57TF HireStephen Dilley M45 NGOCENG tba
732074441Emma Palmer W55 INDGBR tba
81504313Richard McDonald M50 BOKGBR tba
1038492021Sally Ingram W65 HOCGBR tba
130TF HireCam Breeze M14 INDENG tba
132HireClaire Tan W45 INDGBR tba
133HireChayton Tan M14 INDGBR tba
1471417766Jocelyn Heijden Stott W10 INDGBR tba

Yellow (3)
11TF HireSam Dilley M10 NGOCENG tba
781674012Ola Price W10 BOKGBR tba
968515035Alan Kempton M75 BOKGBR tba

Light Green (10)
13HireDebbie Perry W45 INDGBR tba
14HireChristopher Perry M45 INDGBR tba
218160512Zebedee Harlock-Askew M12 NGOCGBR tba
228160513Alexander Harlock-Askew M12 NGOCGBR tba
248670601Christine Wilson W50 NGOCGBR tba
268281264Alan Stringer M60 NGOCGBR tba
388328638Samuel Taunton M35 NGOCENG tba (h)
598359164Daniel Wareing M14 BOKGBR tba
107HireAnthony Payne M45 SBOCGBR tba
1547100606Dougal Anderson M50 BOKGBR tba

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