Llanbedr to Blaenavon Fell Race Start List

Saturday 29 March 2025 Competitor Statistics (Total=69, Online=100%) Note that this start list is sorted by Surname, and then Forename. See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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Name Age
Club Co.
25.4 km / 1372 metres (69)
19Emma Bagley W50 Fairwater RunnersGBR
28Stuart Ball MSEN Fairwater RunnersGBR
2Robin Bell M45 Caldicot Running ClubCYM
39Tomas Black MU23 Mynyddwyr De CymruGBR
38Guy Blowfield MSEN GBR
68Victoria Boxhall-James WSEN Parc Bryn Bach RCGBR
23Ruby Bye WSEN GBR
49Lucien Campbell-Kemp M50 Town and Country HarriersGBR
53Ruth Cann W40 GBR
36Roger Chamberlain M55 GBR
31Neil Coe M50 Mynydd DuGBR
10Paul Colley-Davies M60 Mynydd DuGBR
13Matthew Collins M45 GBR
6Barry Davies M50 Monross TrailblazersGBR
40Andy Dryburgh MSEN GBR
4Adam Eagles MSEN Mynydd DuGBR
52Mark English M55 Y Fenni TriGBR
43Wilf Evans MSEN CDF RunnersGBR
58Ake Fagereng M40 Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
5Rich Foster M45 Monross TrailblazersGBR
42Pete Gordon MSEN LHG Run ClubGBR
32Sasha Habgood W50 Mynydd Du / SBOCGBR
18Sam Harness M45 Monross trailblazersGBR
66Anthony Howells M55 Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
63Hugo Hutchison M45 Mynydd DuGBR
24Katie Ironside WSEN Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
22Phil Jennings MSEN GBR
54Pete Jones M55 GBR
60Helen Jopling W45 GBR
46Mark Jordan M55 Mynydd DuGBR
48Hilary Keogh W60 Mynydd DuGBR
50Helen King W50 Town & Country HarriersGBR
59Briony Latter WSEN Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
26Naomi Law W50 Brecon ACGBR
15James Legg M40 GBR
51Tim Lenton M50 Axe Valley RunnersGBR
33Bethan Logan WSEN Mynydd DuGBR
30Chris Lowe M50 Mynydd DuGBR
64Ian Luke M50 Poole RunnersGBR
1Alex Lyne M40 Caldicot Running ClubGBR
12Brett Mahoney MSEN Mynydd DuGBR
29Julia Mathias W50 Mynydd DuGBR
65Trevor Matty M55 Mynydd duGBR
67James Maude M50 NaGBR
41Alfie McIntosh MSEN Tavistock ACGBR
61Rob Mole M50 Bromsgrove and Redditch ACGBR
47Ben Morgan MSEN GBR
37Stephen Morgan M50 Fairwater RunnersGBR
17Paul Morris M55 Pont y Pwl and District RunnersGBR
56Stephen Priestnall M60 Mynydd DuGBR
20Rhian Probert W55 MynyddDuGBR
21Brieg Probert kenchington MSEN MynyddDuGBR
27Jonathan Riley M40 Town & Country HarriersGBR
57Geraint Roberts MSEN GBR
3Heather Rumble WSEN Fairwater Runners CwmbranGBR
14James Scott M40 Mynydd DuGBR
11Andrew Smith M40 Mynydd DuGBR
34Derek Spear M60 Run4All NeathGBR
16Martin Stark M55 Pont-y-pwl & District RunnersGBR
9Andrew Stephens M50 Monross TrailblazersGBR
70Shaun Styles MSEN Griffithstown HarriersGBR
44Mark Tanner M45 Bromsgrove & RedditchGBR
8Rhys Thomas M50 NAGBR
45Francis Tracey M55 Mynydd DuGBR
35Emma Walters WSEN Cardiff Harlequins RCGBR
55Owen Williams M60 WFRA #898GBR
25James Woodier M45 Mynydd DuGBR
69Geordy Wright MU23 GBR
62David York M60 Tattenhall RunnersGBR

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