Llanbedr to Blaenavon Fell Race Start List

Saturday 23 March 2024 Competitor Statistics (Total=113, Online=100%) Note that this start list is sorted by Surname, and then Forename. See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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Name Age
Club Co.
25.4 km / 1372 metres (113)
264Helen Andrews W50 Bridgend ACGBR
265Ian Andrews M55 GBR
266Tom Andrews M50 Bridgend ACGBR
267Ed Bailey M40 GBR
268Andy Baker M45 Fairwater RunnersGBR
269Richard Bevan M50 MonRoss TrailblazersGBR
270Emma Blake W40 Mynydd DuGBR
271Tash Burnell WSEN GBR
272Thomas Bush M40 Pennine Fell RunnersGBR
273Jonny Campbell MSEN Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
274Andrew Carmichael M45 GBR
275Augusta Cater WSEN GBR
276Nikki Childs W60 Mynydd DuGBR
277Neil Coe M50 Mynydd DuGBR
278Peter Collett MSEN GBR
279Sophie Collett WSEN GBR
280Paul Colley-Davies M55 Mynydd DuGBR
281Matias Coombs M65 Mynydd DuCYM
282Alex Copping M55 Team Bath ACGBR
283Simon Darke M65 Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
284Barry Davies M45 Monross TrailblazersGBR
285Gary Davies M45 Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
286Jessie Davies WSEN Brecon ACGBR
287Rona Davies W60 Mynydd DuGBR
288Peter de Boer M55 GBR
289Mike Delahay M50 GBR
290Richard Edwards M40 Bath BatsGBR
291Mike Erskine MSEN Pont-y-pwl & District RunnersGBR
292Wilf Evans MSEN CDF RunnersGBR
293Matt Farrer M40 Mynydd DuGBR
294William Feline M40 Stubbington Green RunnersGBR
295Kevin Fosbury MSEN Bridgend ACGBR
296Alastair French MSEN Cardiff Harlequins RCGBR
297Jack Friswell MSEN GBR
298Claire Gilbert W40 GBR
299Pete Gordon MSEN LHG Run ClubGBR
300Gareth Grey MSEN GBR
301Rachel Hahn WSEN GBR
302Noel Harding M50 NoHopeRacingGBR
303Sam Harness M45 Monross TrailblazersGBR
304Neil Harper M45 Monross TrailblazersGBR
305Iain Hendry M50 GBR
306Kani Hinshelwood WSEN Parc Bryn Bach RCGBR
307Louise Hogan W45 GBR
308Noah Hughes MSEN GBR
309Katie Ironside WSEN Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
310Patrick Jarvis MSEN Parc Bryn Bach RCGBR
311Gareth Johns M45 Crickhowell Running ClubGBR
312Mark Jordan M50 Derby Triathlon ClubGBR
313Hilary Keogh W60 Mynydd DuGBR
314Hannah Large WSEN Westbury HarriersGBR
315Briony Latter WSEN Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
316Matthew Lawson M55 Chepstow HarriersGBR
317James Legg MSEN GBR
318Laura Lelievre WSEN Monross TrailblazersGBR
319Tim Lewis MSEN GBR
320Bethan Logan WSEN Mynydd DuGBR
321Polly Lord WSEN Caldicot Running ClubGBR
322Ben Lowe M45 Stroud & District ACGBR
323Alex Lyne M40 Caldicot Running ClubCYM
324Stephen Lysaczenko M60 Quantock OrienteersGBR
325David Mackie M55 Corsham Running ClubGBR
326Mark Mackintosh M60 Team Bath ACGBR
327Brett Mahoney MSEN Mynydd DuGBR
328Julia Mathias W50 Mynydd DuGBR
329David Matthews M40 Hereford CouriersGBR
330Trevor Matty M55 Mynydd DuGBR
331Sam Mayglothling MSEN Hereford Triathlon ClubGBR
332Alfie McIntosh MSEN SWRRGBR
333Ceri Merwood WSEN CDF RunnersGBR
334Freya Morgan W40 GBR
335Ian Mulcahy MSEN Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
336Ged Murphy M50 Brecon ACGBR
337Daniel O'Keefe MSEN Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
338Jim O'Keefe MSEN Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
339Matt O'Keefe M40 Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
340Simon Osborne M60 Bridgend ACGBR
341Stuart Padget M45 Chippenham HarriersGBR
342Carwyn Phillips M50 Rhedwyr PreseliGBR
343Daniel Price MSEN Parc Bryn Bach RCGBR
344Stephen Priestnall M55 Mynydd DuGBR
345Ollie Radford MSEN GBR
346Ceri Richards M50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
347Janet Richards W55 Mynydd DuGBR
348Heather Rumble WSEN Fairwater RunnersGBR
349Scott Ruse MSEN Neath HarriersGBR
350Adam Sellar M45 Mynydd DuGBR
351Darren Shaw M45 Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
352Aaron Smart MSEN GBR
353Charlie Smith MSEN GBR
354Will Smith M45 Forest of Dean ACGBR
355Derek Spear M60 Run4All NeathGBR
356Bryan Stadden M65 Mynydd DuGBR
357Debbie Stenner W50 Mynydd DuGBR
358Andrew Stephens M45 Monross TrailblazersGBR
359Morgan Tame MSEN LHG Run ClubGBR
360Rachel Tate W40 GBR
361Natalie Taylor WSEN GBR
362Stewart Thomson M60 Mynydd DuGBR
363James Tombs M45 Cardiff Harlequins RCGBR
364Francis Tracey M55 Mynydd DuGBR
365Catherine Treble W40 Westbury HarriersGBR
366Chris Treble M40 Westbury HarriersGBR
367Jack Turner MSEN Swansea Harriers ACGBR
368Wyndham Turner MSEN Mynydd DuGBR
369David Underhill MSEN SWOCGBR
370Emma Walters WSEN Cardiff Harlequins RCGBR
371Carolyn Watkins WSEN Rhedwyr PreseliGBR
372Mike White M65 Stubbington Green RunnersGBR
373Paul White M45 Pont-y-pwl & District RunnersGBR
374Tim Wilkinson M60 GBR
375Alun Wood M40 Mynydd DuGBR
376Tim Woodier M40 Mynydd DuGBR

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