(D) Gloucestershire Maprun 11 - Bream Start List

Wednesday 30 August 2023 Competitor Statistics (Total=31, Online=100%) See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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Name Age
Club Co. Start Time
Score (1 hour) (31)
1Ian Phillips M60 NGOCENG tba
2Greg Best M60 NGOCGBR tba
3Pat MacLeod M75 NGOCGBR tba
4Karl Gwilliam M50 NGOCENG tba
5David Palmer M75 BOKGBR tba
6Rose Taylor W18 NGOCENG tba
7Judith Taylor W55 NGOCENG tba
8Rob Taylor M50 NGOCENG tba
9Rhiannon Fadeyibi W60 NGOCGBR tba
10Paul Dodd M65 IndGBR tba
11Gill Stott W65 INDGBR tba
12Laurence Gossage M70 BOKGBR tba
13Gary Wakerley M65 NGOCGBR tba
14Alex Lyne M40 NGOCCYM tba
15Ian Macklin M50 INDCYM tba
16Steve Robertson M70 QOGBR tba
17Trevor Griffiths M75 BOKCYM tba
18Cherry Fowler W50 INDGBR tba
19Shirley Robinson W65 NGOCGBR tba
20Robert Teed M80 NGOCCYM tba
21Thomas Cochrane M35 NGOCGBR tba
22Richard Cronin M21 NGOCCYM tba
23John Miklausic M40 NGOCGBR tba
24Alan Pucill M60 NGOCENG tba
25Andy Creber M65 NGOCGBR tba
26Mia Docker-powell W10 INDGBR tba
27Sam Smith M21 INDGBR tba
28Paul Taunton M70 NGOCENG tba
29Rosalind Taunton W70 NGOCENG tba
30Hannah Bradley W50 NGOCGBR tba
31Jonathan Brough M35 BOFENG tba

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