(C) Welsh League & YBT Qualifier - Dare Valley Start List

Sunday 16 April 2023 Competitor Statistics (Total=79, Online=97%) Starts 10:00 to 12:00 noon See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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SI Card  
Name Age
Club Co. Start Time
Brown (25)
28017824Hanlin Wang M21 UBOCGBR tba
48061021Freddie Lake M18 SBOCCYM tba
58032505William Lake M18 SBOCCYM tba
61978730Kerina Lake W45 SBOCCYM tba
78047878Bethan Irwin W45 SBOCCYM tba
138160524Paul Truss M35 RAFOGBR tba
15811473Peter Ward M50 NGOCGBR tba
17263425Jessica Ward W18 NGOCCYM tba
188230880Rebecca Ward W20 SHUOCCYM tba
269200032Christopher Lewis M50 SBOCCYM tba
327300131Steven Collins M55 WRECYM tba
37*8680940James Clemence M60 SWOCCYM tba (h)
38*8428248Marcus Pinker M45 FVOCYM tba (h)
49HireLuke Tierney M21 UBOCENG tba
50HireSasha Habgood W50 SBOCGBR tba
51HireTom Habgood M50 SBOCGBR tba
52HireFreddie Habgood M20 SBOCGBR tba
588256763Megan Carter-Davies W21 SBOCGBR tba
598000047Ben Mitchell M21 SBOCGBR tba
638270978Dai Wilson M45 LVOGBR tba
678040358Andy Creber M65 NGOCGBR tba
68HireAndrew Douglas M21 INDGBR tba
69HireElliott Jenkins M21 INDENG tba
70891606Richard Cronin M21 NGOCCYM tba
73HireFlora Davies W21 SWOCGBR tba

Blue (10)
88091006Robin Irwin M14 SBOCCYM tba
147654654Alan Honey M60 BOKGBR tba
202145568Trevor Griffiths M75 BOKCYM tba
288180459Alan Pucill M60 NGOCENG tba
348434446Richard Edge M45 SWOCGBR tba
538667906Anthony Raven M50 SWOCCYM tba
558628713Charlotte Elliss W35 RAFOGBR tba
648490707Rose Taylor W18 NGOCENG tba
742032783Allan Darwell M70 BOKGBR tba
76414094Tessa Lewis W55 SWOCGBR tba

Green (26)
1221218Rodney Archard M75 NGOCENG tba
9HireLucille Irwin W16 SBOCCYM tba
10401244Tony Cockbain M65 NGOCGBR tba
11200306Ainis Pirtnieks M60 SWOCCYM tba
128012060Malcolm Lyon M65 TVOCGBR tba
168220870Michelle Ward W50 NGOCGBR tba
198657440David Palmer M75 BOKGBR tba
248070554Anthony James Lloyd M65 BOKGBR tba
258657539Jill Manning W70 SWOCCYM tba
301961227Niall Reynolds M60 SBOCCYM tba
318665076Margaret Reynolds W60 SBOCCYM tba
358260950Diana McClure W70 SBOCCYM tba
36HireRhys Jones M18 SWOCCYM tba
438071053Roger Stein M70 SBOCCYM tba
44414306Laurence Gossage M70 BOKGBR tba
458070550John Mills M70 SWOCCYM tba
472800209Peter Colbert M70 SWOCCYM tba
548090558David Mitchell M65 SBOCGBR tba
578632901Gwen Tanner W60 BOKGBR tba
618363931Caroline Potter W60 BOKGBR tba
628181962David Potter M60 BOKGBR tba
658490803Judith Taylor W55 NGOCENG tba
712074463Ted McDonald M80 BOKENG tba
77424356Jenny Lewis W21 INDGBR tba
788328138Paul Taunton M70 NGOCENG tba
798328268Rosalind Taunton W70 NGOCENG tba

Short Green (9)
212127445Peter Maloney M75 NGOCCYM tba
2740227Robert Teed M80 NGOCCYM tba
392443472Ruth Dye W60 SBOCCYM tba
428261942Frank Ince M80 SWOCGBR tba
461783408Christopher Moon M70 BOKGBR tba
48222321Susan Colbert W75 SWOCCYM tba
56260248Alun Morgan M80 SWOCGBR tba
608210644Graham Tough M75 SWOCGBR tba
758194272Clare Fletcher W80 BOKGBR tba

Light Green (1)
29261207Alan Richards M75 NGOCCYM tba

Orange (4)
3HireSam Payne M10 SBOCCYM tba
22HireJames Morris M12 SBOCCYM tba
402448451Nick Gale M40 SBOCCYM tba
72504313Richard McDonald M45 BOKGBR tba

Yellow (4)
23HireLucie Morris W10 SBOCCYM tba
33263456Evan Collins M12 WREGBR tba
412448445Murdoc Gale M12 SBOCCYM tba
66HireEllis Cooper M10 SBOCGBR tba

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