(C) NGOC/SWOA League and YBTS Heat - Newent Start List

Sunday 30 April 2023 Competitor Statistics (Total=296, Online=100%) See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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SI Card  
Name Age
Club Co. Start Time
Brown (50)
18233222Neville Baker M70 TVOCGBR tba
48487531Stephen Lee-Jones M55 BOKGBR tba
338000677Sebastiaan Loosen M35 OmegaBEL tba
45947191James Wilkinson M21 NGOCGBR tba
558657432Stuart Duckworth M45 WCHGBR tba
618001138Dylan Sherman M21 OUOCGBR tba
778210876Tommi Grover M45 BOKGBR tba
79750018Neil Albert M50 NGOCFRA tba
858260173Bernhard Hagen M50 BOKENG tba
1069101240Lucy Tonge W21 BOKGBR tba
1078197050Jeremy Tonge M50 BOKGBR tba
1108630942Ben Chesters M45 DEVONENG tba
1198281017Philip Sorrell M45 QOGBR tba
1218010365Russell Finch M55 ODENG tba
1268180197Andrew Stemp M21 AIREGBR tba
1278010897Fay Walsh W21 AIRECYM tba
1288668921Richard Mawer M50 BAOCGBR tba
1398040657Adrian Pickles M65 WREGBR tba
1418282828Richard Cronin M21 NGOCCYM tba
1438221169Chris McCartney M50 HOCENG tba
1558668904Ben Perry M16 DEVONGBR tba
1597111057Angela Modica W50 DevonENG tba
1618230556Barry Elkington M65 ODGBR tba
1622080006Luke Tierney M21 UBOCENG tba
1638017824Hanlin Wang M21 UBOCGBR tba
165223302Doug Stimson M40 NWOGBR tba
1728005362Phil Newall M60 KERNOGBR tba
1817789456Peter Suba M45 WSXGBR tba
1838246800Timofey Zorin M16 SLOWGBR tba
1848246811Maxim Zorin M45 SLOWGBR tba
1868170897Michael Hallett M21 BOKENG tba
1878408100Donatas Tumaitis M35 CHIGGBR tba
188408434Julian Bass M55 HOCGBR tba
190630506Clive Hallett M60 BOKGBR tba
2158680934David Pilling M55 BOKGBR tba
2278641501Lois Parker W20 CLAROGBR tba
2282443380Charles Anderton M21 CUOCGBR tba
229TF HireHarry Stuart M21 OUOCENG tba
2318655936Sam New M21 NWOGBR tba
2338632512Aleksei Dnestrovskii M55 TVOCENG tba
2408657441Nick Gracie M50 BOKENG tba
2518645271Matthew Owen M55 BOKGBR tba
2558632182Richard Pay M60 WREGBR tba
2618430749Harry Bratcher-Howard M16 WIMGBR tba
265TF HireOliver Paulin M21 TVOCGBR tba
2688432155Duncan Taylor M21 DEVONGBR tba
2698628707Rob Woods M50 RAFOENG tba
2752076117Mykyta Chubynsky M45 ODGBR tba
2822020447Jeff Pakes M50 QOGBR tba
2868083011Ben Green M45 TVOCGBR tba

Blue (62)
28233221Marie-Anne Fischer W60 TVOCGBR tba
68180362Greg Best M60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
88282825Steve Robertson M70 QOGBR tba
98467600Ginny Hudson W60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
148645231Jeff Butt M60 SARUMENG tba
218670602Vanessa Lawson W50 NGOCENG tba (h)
238180459Alan Pucill M60 NGOCENG tba (h)
248047878Bethan Irwin W45 SBOCCYM tba
278413940Sarah Clough W40 DEVONGBR tba
282038707Matthew Knipe M60 QOGBR tba
29TF HireMick Hunter M65 BOFCYM tba
328138387Cat Edwardes W50 DEVONGBR tba
368145408Brian Hughes M75 HOCCYM tba
388413745Tom Mills M75 NGOCENG tba
402142087Tom Agombar M45 NGOCGBR tba
548657433Jonah Hearn M14 WCHGBR tba
628657513Peter Maliphant M65 BOKGBR tba
658101255Philip Eeles M65 SOCENG tba
702049784Duncan Innes M60 SWOCGBR tba
918060257Peter Foster M65 BOKENG tba
938680550Dave Marr M70 ODGBR tba
1022145568Trevor Griffiths M75 BOKCYM tba
1048081051John Simmons M70 BOKGBR tba
1088069689Louise Tonge W50 BOKGBR tba
1188491071Craig Smith M55 BOKENG tba
1298001088Mike Goldthorpe M65 WREGBR tba
1318491075David Faulkner M60 BOKGBR tba
1328154473Richard Rossington M60 BOKENG tba
1338151255Nick Dennis M60 BOKGBR tba
1478223211Chris Atkins M45 BOKGBR tba
1528643395Axel Blomquist M70 SNGBR tba
154333968Chris Perry M55 DEVONGBR tba
1688630898Mike Frizzell M65 BADOGBR tba
1738031161Adele Newall W60 KERNOGBR tba
1768505649Richard Davies M60 HOCGBR tba
1798442122David Harper M65 DEVONGBR tba
1828214525Steve Williams M65 NGOCENG tba (h)
212235544Nick Nourse M60 NWOGBR tba
213217754Paul Hammond M60 HOCENG tba
2168313391Clive Richardson M55 WREGBR tba
223HirePaul Horsfall M40 NGOCGBR tba
2308657540Doug Wilson M55 NGOCGBR tba
2368181288Sheila Braine W55 QOGBR tba
237TF HireAilani Braine-Clarke W20 QOGBR tba
2398640485Joe Parkinson M60 NGOCGBR tba
2482105245Iain Mennie M60 CLYDEGBR tba
2492032783Allan Darwell M70 BOKGBR tba
2538009008Richard Rogers M60 WREGBR tba
2568134713Robert Finch M21 NGOCGBR tba
2608090774Andrew Howard M45 BOFGBR tba
263400421Vladimir Kuznetsov M65 TVOCGBR tba
2669050362David Williams M60 HOCENG tba
2672045660Matt Sanderson M50 INDENG tba
2708628706Esther Woods W21 RAFOCYM tba
2738670621Tim Sands M70 BOKGBR tba
2748432151Adrian Taylor M65 DEVONENG tba
2768280154Paul Basher M65 HOCGBR tba
2798064336Alison Hardy W55 LEIENG tba
2838643382Thomas Cochrane M35 NGOCGBR tba
2848129903Dave Denning M55 BOKGBR tba
2878422664Paul Eaton M21 TVOCGBR tba
2908680940James Clemence M60 SWOCCYM tba

Green (67)
108413729Rhiannon Fadeyibi W60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
158645228Jackie Butt W60 SARUMENG tba
258091006Robin Irwin M14 SBOCCYM tba
26400986Nick Taylor M75 HOCGBR tba
318103236Polly Atherton W50 BOKGBR tba
35503507Alice Butt W21 TVOCGBR tba
37416810Paul Watterson M70 HOCGBR tba
41236197Alex Agombar W45 NGOCGBR tba
472064223Michael Wilkinson M65 HOCGBR tba
488012060Malcolm Lyon M65 TVOCGBR tba
49HireThomas Down M45 NWOGBR tba
588655025Ray Toomer M65 QOGBR tba
648413960Andrew Catmur M65 HOCGBR tba
698657440David Palmer M75 BOKGBR tba
71342253Christine Farr W45 SWOCGBR tba
868516169Marion Stutzriemer W45 BOKENG tba
908250957Jo Foster W65 BOKENG tba
928196260Colette Du Toit W60 NGOCCYM tba
968639642Carol Iddles W65 RAFOGBR tba
1008413723Diana Nicoll W60 BOKGBR tba
1018129864Gary Wakerley M65 NGOCGBR tba
1038150655Alison Simmons W65 BOKGBR tba
109414306Laurence Gossage M70 BOKGBR tba
112263689John Chesters M70 DEVONENG tba
114339761Hannah Bradley W50 NGOCGBR tba
115TF HireMark Goddard M45 QOENG tba
1168328138Paul Taunton M70 NGOCENG tba
1178328268Rosalind Taunton W70 NGOCENG tba
1222074463Ted McDonald M80 BOKGBR tba
1238160511James Askew M65 NGOCGBR tba
1348061001Rachel Dennis W55 BOKGBR tba
1368632901Gwen Tanner W60 BOKGBR tba
137347599Kim Liggett W60 NGOCENG tba
1408333623Barry Houghton M75 HOCENG tba
1458000885Rachel Potter W21 BOKGBR tba
146202158Dave Andrews M75 NGOCGBR tba (h)
151401524Chic Young M65 SARUMGBR tba
1531783408Christopher Moon M70 BOKGBR tba
1578198000Ruth Landrigan W40 BOKGBR tba
1642212491Duncan Liddle M65 NGOCGBR tba
167261207Alan Richards M75 NGOCCYM tba
1698401766Keith Willdig M70 ODGBR tba
171347596John Fallows M65 NGOCGBR tba (h)
1748047047Suzanne Harding W55 NGOCGBR tba (h)
1758347347Ian Prowse M70 NGOCGBR tba (h)
1918655909Ian Chafer M55 HOCCYM tba
193TF HireSteve Blackmore M45 HOCGBR tba
1968120411Bruce Bryant M65 ODGBR tba
1978120412Liz Phillips W55 ODGBR tba
1988490803Judith Taylor W55 NGOCENG tba (h)
2038214520Kevin Howe M55 BOKGBR tba
2058468648Anders Johansson M50 NGOCGBR tba
208516113Anthony Walker M55 TVOCGBR tba
209260397Liz Cross W50 TVOCGBR tba
214400823Geoff Trewin M70 HOCGBR tba
2212120529Claire Horsfall W40 NGOCGBR tba
2251008520Mike Farrington M65 HOCGBR tba
2348001186Matvei Dnestrovskii M12 TVOCENG tba
2422019680Mike Forrest M65 BOKGBR tba
247426600Gareth Davies M60 INDGBR tba
2528070550John Mills M70 SWOCCYM tba
2598657541Tom Birthwright M40 NGOCGBR tba
2628203095Monty Bratcher-Howard M14 WIMGBR tba
2641217702Andrew Stott M60 NGOCGBR tba
271401244Tony Cockbain M65 NGOCGBR tba
281HireMax Suff M60 INDGBR tba
2858160522Trudi Johnson W55 BOKENG tba

Short Green (42)
32127445Peter Maloney M75 NGOCCYM tba
7HireMatthew Fautley M55 NGOCGBR tba
168281264Alan Stringer M55 NGOCGBR tba
188011966Karen Lewis W55 QOGBR tba
468129803Julia Wilkinson W60 HOCGBR tba
528110839Trevor Simpson M80 ODGBR tba
538010839Hilary Simpson W80 ODGBR tba
56TF HireRichard Patten M40 BOKENG tba
598655026Sue Toomer W65 QOGBR tba
6051052Rosie Watkins W70 NGOCGBR tba (h)
73202190Tony Hext M75 QOGBR tba
748261942Frank Ince M80 SWOCGBR tba
758023015Susan Roberts W70 HOCGBR tba
768301508Rick Roberts M70 HOCGBR tba
81342273Joan Hambleton W80 SARUMENG tba
94202152John Trayler M75 QOGBR tba
95217751Andy Pedder M65 NGOCGBR tba (h)
998117373Robert Vickers M80 HOCGBR tba
111263656Ruth Chesters W70 DEVONENG tba
1138185688Benjamin Kyd M20 OUOCGBR tba
1358177946Sue Hallett W75 ODGBR tba
14432832Janet Richardson W70 ODGBR tba
1489921698Joanne Leigh W55 HOCGBR tba
1568194900Christine King W70 BOKGBR tba
1607660311Spencer Modica M55 DevonENG tba
166264236Ken Stimson M75 NWOGBR tba
1708401765Margaret Willdig W70 ODGBR tba
1778150251Brian Curtis M70 BOKENG tba
1788180751Sue Curtis W70 BOKENG tba
1858455033Roger Craddock M80 QOGBR tba
189442428John Bass M14 HOCGBR tba
2222448447Hugh Garai M70 NGOCGBR tba
2268333339Carol Farrington W65 HOCGBR tba
2329170230John Middler M70 ODGBR tba
2432145567John Parfitt M80 BOKGBR tba
244247462Alice Parfitt W21 BOKGBR tba
245424338George Parfitt M21 INDENG tba
2508194272Clare Fletcher W80 BOKGBR tba
25412535Neil Cameron M75 NGOCGBR tba
27240227Robert Teed M80 NGOCCYM tba (h)
2891262197Hilary Nicholls W55 NGOCGBR tba
2938641857Sheila Miklausic W75 NGOCGBR tba

Light Green (12)
11400993Alan Brown M70 NGOCENG tba (h)
632058307Kate Maliphant W60 BOKGBR tba
66TF HireEmily Macpherson W40 QOGBR tba
97TF HireEmma Pattullo W50 BOKGBR tba
13833370Jacqueline Stevens W65 WREGBR tba
207HireEllie Naraidoo W21 INDENG tba
210HireFreddie Walker M18 TVOCGBR tba
217TF HireJohn Greenhalgh M50 QOGBR tba
246423571Grace Davies W60 INDGBR tba
257HireMartin Lowe M45 BOKGBR tba
280HireCarol Fee W50 BOKENG tba
288HireHannah Redrup W21 INDGBR tba

Orange (16)
34TF HireJacob Hale M21 TVOCGBR tba
72TF HireDouglas Innes-Farr M12 SWOCGBR tba
82202221Peter Hambleton M80 SARUMCYM tba
84TF HireSofia Rose Street W10 INDENG tba
888145318Roger Hailey M85 ODGBR tba
89263412Diana Hailey W80 ODGBR tba
142424346Charlotte Moore W40 HOCGBR tba
149HireColin Richards M55 ODENG tba
150HireReegan Richards M14 ODGBR tba
180HireJohn Bant M75 HOCGBR tba
201HireAnna Overy W40 BOKGBR tba
204411841Celia Howe W60 BOKGBR tba
211HireDaniel Walker M14 TVOCGBR tba
2352448465Ekaterina Laenko W50 TVOCENG tba
258HireAlex Lowe M14 BOKGBR tba
2928310710Jessica Miklausic W40 NGOCGBR tba

Yellow (11)
50HireEmily Down W45 NWOGBR tba
51HireSandy Down W10 NWOGBR tba
194HireSeb Blackmore M12 INDGBR tba
195HirePippa Blackmore W12 INDGBR tba
202TF HireJames Overy NFC M10 INDGBR tba
219HireEmily Horsfall W10 NGOCGBR tba
278HireIlyaseen Jaradat M10 QOGBR tba
291HireLuke Miklausic M10 NGOCGBR tba
294HireElla Miklausic W12 NGOCGBR tba
295HireDylan Miklausic M10 NGOCGBR tba
296HireJacob Reeves M12 NGOCGBR tba

White (1)
200HireJames Overy M10 BOKGBR tba

YBTS Green (7)
58667384Amy Lee-Jones W18 BOKGBR tba
207063008Oliver Lewis M16 QOENG tba
228037174Seth Lawson M16 NGOCCYM tba (h)
308103226Emily Elms W18 BOKGBR tba
392062980Vince Nagy-Kovacs M16 BOKGBR tba
42411846James Agombar M16 NGOCGBR tba (h)
2388452006Hamish Braine-Clarke M18 QOGBR tba

YBTS Light Green (5)
178201099Finley Goddard M14 QOENG tba
442127437Katie Agombar W16 NGOCGBR tba (h)
808477536Marcus Perry M14 BOKGBR tba
878516170Leni Hagen W16 BOKENG tba
2061180373Tom Johansson M16 NGOCGBR tba (h)

YBTS Orange (11)
13HireSebastian Lyne M14 NGOCCYM tba (h)
197021307Annabelle Lewis W16 QOENG tba
432096722Hannah Agombar W14 NGOCGBR tba (h)
67TF HireMartha Macpherson W16 QOGBR tba
98TF HireEuan Pattullo M14 BOKGBR tba
1058413716Isabelle Tonge W14 BOKGBR tba
1308359164Daniel Wareing M12 BOKGBR tba
192TF HirePeter Blackmore M14 HOCGBR tba
199HireIsla Overy W12 BOKGBR tba
218HireTommy Greenhalgh M12 QOGBR tba
224TF HireJack Parish M16 QOENG tba

YBTS Yellow (12)
12HireKathryn Lyne W12 NGOCCYM tba (h)
57HireFlorence Patten W12 BOKENG tba
68TF HireFreddie Macpherson M14 QOGBR tba
781425835 (TFH)Evie Brown W12 BOKGBR tba
83HireKatherine Hinchliffe W12 BOKGBR tba
1208270781Bee Hemmings M10 QOGBR tba
1248160512Zebedee Harlock-Askew M10 NGOCGBR tba (h)
1258160513Alexander Harlock-Askew M10 NGOCGBR tba (h)
1588020120Iris Landrigan W12 BOKGBR tba
220HireSamuel Horsfall M10 NGOCGBR tba
241HireTom Maybank M14 QOGBR tba
277HireDeeyana Jaradat W14 QOGBR tba

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