Mynyddwyr De Cymru Membership to 31/03/2024 Member List

Sunday 31 March 2024 Member Statistics (Total=82, Online=98%) Postal members (nnn*) were last uploaded on 06 May 2023 Note that this start list is sorted by Surname, and then Forename. See the Club Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
Name Age
Club only (no WA affiliation) (51)
10John Aggleton M65 GBR
30Emma Battensby W40 GBR
70James Bellin M40 GBR
68Andrew Blackmore M55 GBR
22James Blore MSEN GBR
66Jonny Campbell MSEN GBR
36Caroline Dallimore W65 GBR
23Nick Dallimore M65 GBR
40Simon Darke M65 GBR
21Martyn Driscoll M45 GBR
44Christine Farr W45 GBR
38Thomas Foord M45 CYM
55Donna Grant W45 GBR
20Haydn Griffiths M65 GBR
75Adrian Grundy M50 GBR
33Alex Hirst MSEN GBR
45Duncan Innes M60 GBR
13Katie Ironside WSEN GBR
52Keri James M60 GBR
53Pauline James W65 GBR
6Geraint Jenkin M55 GBR
8Norman Jones M60 GBR
57Matthew Knight M40 GBR
18Oliver Lamford MSEN GBR
9Briony Latter WSEN GBR
63David Lawson MSEN GBR
73Tom Lia MSEN GBR
28Kay Lucas W70 GBR
29Martin Lucas M70 GBR
46Roger Mills M50 GBR
1Adrian Moir M60 GBR
69Ben Moon M45 GBR
56Thomas Morgan MSEN GBR
19Maria Pietila WSEN GBR
39Marcus Pinker M50 GBR
50*Mark Ponsford MSEN GBR
71David Powlesland MSEN GBR
64Phil Read M45 GBR
79Stu Rochford M60 GBR
25Darren Shaw M45 CYM
3Alan Stone M60 GBR
34Andy Stott M60 GBR
82Matt Stott MSEN GBR
7Alex Sutherland M50 GBR
4Derek Thornley M70 GBR
81Nia Weinzweig WSEN CYM
51*Rob West M80 GBR
5Matt Whipple MSEN GBR
72Peter Williams M65 GBR
31Rhys Williams M45 CYM
65Richard Wilson M70 CYM

First Claim (inc. WA affiliation) (21)
27Alice Bedwell W60 GBR
32Tomas Black MU23 GBR
47Caio Bowen MSEN GBR
60Sarah Cordeaux WSEN GBR
2Richard Cronin MSEN CYM
16Patrik Dahl MSEN GBR
42Flora Davies WSEN GBR
54Gary Davies M45 GBR
17Mo Hashish M40 GBR
49Christopher Joseph M45 GBR
48Sharon Joseph W50 GBR
24Ian Macklin M50 CYM
58Ian Mulcahy MSEN GBR
67Jim O'Keefe MSEN GBR
35Matt O'Keefe M40 CYM
76Clare Ponsford WSEN GBR
11Sophie Pooley WSEN GBR
12Simon Roberts MSEN GBR
26Mark Saunders M65 CYM
37Gethin Thomas MSEN GBR
59Joshua Tremblay MSEN GBR

First Claim Other (WA affiliation with other club) (4)
61Karen Elvers W50 GBR
43Ake Fagereng M40 GBR
15Gareth Jones M75 GBR
74Howard Owen M40 GBR

Second Claim (WA affiliation with other club) (6)
77Jon Barnes MSEN GBR
14Keith James M50 GBR
78Keith James M50 GBR
62Bethan Lewis WSEN GBR
80Daniel O'Keefe MSEN GBR
41Coral Putman W50 GBR

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