Brooksie's Bash Trail Race Start List

Sunday 16 July 2023 Competitor Statistics (Total=342, Online=98%) Note that this start list is sorted by Surname, and then Forename. See the Event Website for ‎further details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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Name Age
Club Co.
The Bash (10 miles) (327)
1Justine Albert W45 Barrow RunnersGBR
2Mike Allen M45 GBR
3Hilde Andersen W40 GBR
4Lynn Andrews W55 GBR
5Antony Armitage M45 Barrow RunnersGBR
6Minda Ashton W45 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
7Lucy Astley W45 Mickleover RCGBR
8Rebecca Atkins W50 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
9Paul Averillo M45 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
10Glenn Baird M55 Wirksworth Running ClubGBR
11Andrew Ballard M55 GBR
12Louis Barnes M40 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
13Lucy Bartles WSEN GBR
14Hazel Baxter W40 Shelton StridersGBR
15Andrew Bennett M55 Hatton Darts RCGBR
17Christine Bexton W60 Beeston ACGBR
18Charlie Blake W40 GBR
19Damon Bland M55 GBR
20Andrew Bradley M50 Team Derby RunnerGBR
21Amanda Broad W45 Mickleover JoggersGBR
22Tracey Brookes W55 Shepshed RCGBR
23Alex Brown M50 GBR
24Fiona Brown W45 GBR
25Nick Brown MU18 GBR
26Philippe Brune M60 GBR
27Alison Bucknall W55 GBR
28Steve Bullock MSEN South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
29Elizabeth Burgess W50 Derby Triathlon ClubGBR
30Jo Butler W55 Hatton DartsGBR
31Faith Carlin W45 Long Eaton Running ClubGBR
32Louise Caskey W50 Barrow RunnersGBR
33Rebecca Chandler WSEN Barrow RunnersGBR
34Matthew Churchill MSEN Swad JoggersGBR
35Matt Clemson M45 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
36Stephen Clews M65 Hatton DartsGBR
37April Clough W40 Shepshed Running ClubGBR
38Emma Cochrane W50 GBR
39Andy Cole M55 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
40Chris Connolly M50 Mickleover JoggersGBR
41Charlotte Convey W40 GBR
42Kas Cook W40 GBR
43Gavin Cooper M45 GBR
44Terri Cooper WSEN Barrow RunnersGBR
45Peter Copcutt M65 Mansfield HarriersGBR
46Thomasina Copcutt W60 Mansfield HarriersGBR
47Andrea Corbet W65 GBR
48Claire Cordery W40 GBR
49Julie Corne W60 Jog DerbyshireGBR
50Mike Corne M60 Jog DerbyshireGBR
51Rachel Cornes W45 Shepshed Running ClubGBR
52Charlie Cotton MU18 Heanor RCGBR
53Chris Cotton M45 Heanor RCGBR
54James Cox M40 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
55Liz Cramp W40 GBR
56Jeffrey Cross M60 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
57Lee Cutforth MSEN Kimberley & District StridersENG
58Amy Dakin W40 SDRRGBR
59Linda Dakin W60 SDRRGBR
60Michael Dallard M45 Team Derby runnerGBR
61Mat Davies M40 Overseal Running ClubGBR
62Ruth Davis W40 Team Derby runnerGBR
63Phil Daws M50 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
64Lisa Daxner W50 RRRGBR
65Julie Dean W55 Team Derby RunnerGBR
66Tracey Dennis W55 Long Eaton RCGBR
67Jon Dent MSEN Barrow RunnersGBR
68Jennie Derbyshire WSEN Jog Derbyshire ChesterfieldGBR
69Dominic Devlin MSEN Kimberley & District StridersIRL
70Ellie Dickson WSEN South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
71Catherine Donovan W40 Tideswell Running ClubGBR
72Paul Donovan M40 GBR
73Chris Dornan MSEN SwadjoggersGBR
74Jen Downing W50 Mickleover JoggersGBR
75Raymond Draycott M70 Shepshed R CGBR
76Ben Eedy M40 Derby Triathlon ClubGBR
77Kate Eedy W45 Derby tri clubGBR
78Shannon Elmore WU18 GBR
79Dave Eyre M55 GBR
80Mark Fairchild M45 GBR
81Paul Falkiner M50 Birmingham Running Athletics & Triathlon Club (BRAGBR
82Jo Farrow WSEN GBR
83Debra Fearnshaw W45 Beeston ACGBR
84Janet Feeney W60 GBR
85Craig Fisher M50 Team Derby RunnerGBR
86Andrew Foulkes MSEN GBR
87Damon Freeston M50 Hatton Darts RCGBR
88Madeline Froment W40 Sutton in Ashfield Harriers & ACGBR
89Alun Gadd M45 Holme Pierrepont RCGBR
90Karen Galer WSEN Erewash Valley RCGBR
91Andrew Gallimore M55 Sinfin running clubGBR
92Ian Garrett M65 Shepshed RCGBR
93Malcolm Gatenby M60 Mickleover /Dubai MilersGBR
94Rachel Gibbs W40 Barrow RunnersGBR
95Paul Glover M60 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
96Tracey Glover W50 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
97Katie Golder W45 GBR
98Andrew Goodwin M45 GBR
99Joseph Goodwin M50 GBR
100Karen Goodwin W60 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
101Laura Graves W60 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
102Sheila Groves W55 Sinfin Running ClubGBR
103Lisa Hall W50 Ivanhoe runnersGBR
104Simon Hall MSEN Beeston ACGBR
105Simon Hall M50 Ivanhoe runnersGBR
106Stuart Halsey M60 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
107Matthew Hammond MSEN GBR
108Christopher Hanman M45 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
109Andy Harding MSEN Heanor RCGBR
110Matt Harris M45 GBR
111Eden Harrison MU23 GBR
112Jess Harrison W45 GBR
113Juliet Harrison W60 Beeston ACGBR
114Pete Harrison M55 GBR
115Steve Harvey M40 Hatton DartsGBR
116Vicky Hassell W45 Egdon Heath HarriersGBR
117Matthew Hearn M40 GBR
118Amanda Hedges W50 Burton ACGBR
119Mark Hedges M50 Burton ACGBR
120Julie Heithus W60 Sinfin running clubGBR
121Philip Hemmings M40 GBR
122Suzie Hemmings W40 GBR
123Jonny Hendry MSEN GBR
124Sarah Henshaw W40 Ilkeston RCGBR
125Kerstine Herbert W45 Ilkeston RCGBR
126Debbie Hewitt W55 Team Derby RunnerGBR
127Rob Higson M40 Shelton StridersGBR
128David Hill MSEN GBR
129Didi Hill W45 Team Derby RunnerGBR
130Liam Hill MSEN GBR
131Steven Hill M45 GBR
132Rebecca Hines WSEN GBR
133Donna Hodges W45 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
134Pascale Holden W50 Shelton StridersGBR
135Peter Holden M70 Ilkeston RCGBR
136Peter Honniball MSEN Derwent Runners (Derby)GBR
137Patrick Horn MSEN Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
138Jenny Hotchkiss W45 Derwent Runners (Derby)GBR
139Mark Hoult M50 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
140Heather Howarth WSEN GBR
141Jane Hudson W60 Long Eaton RCGBR
142Stephen Hunt M50 Swad JoggersGBR
143Stuart Hunter M60 Shepshed R CGBR
144Alexandra Hussey WSEN Derby Triathlon ClubGBR
145Gayle Hutchinson W45 Sutton in Ashfield Harriers & ACGBR
146Ralph Huthmacher M50 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
147Kevin Jackman M55 Hatton Darts RCGBR
148Chris Jones M40 GBR
149Jayne Jones W60 LERCGBR
150Joanne Jones W40 GBR
151Jody Jones M40 GBR
152Susan Karmazyn W55 Holme Pierrepont RCGBR
153Tess Kay W60 Barrow RunnersGBR
154Alex Keep-Wells MSEN GBR
155Joseph Kellett M75 Mickleover Joggers/Derbyshire DynamosGBR
156Richard Kennedy M40 GBR
157Elaine Kenning W55 GBR
158Paul Killip M40 Vegan Runners UKGBR
159Darren Knight M50 Chesapeake Road RunnersGBR
160Joy Lacey W60 Swad JoggersGBR
161Tracey Lambert W50 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
162Wendy Lauberts W60 Long Eaton RCGBR
163Stuart Laurie M40 Kimberley & District StridersGBR
164Martyn Lawson M40 Derby Triathlon ClubGBR
165Ross Layton MSEN GBR
166Kevin Laz M40 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
167Stephen Leafe M60 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
168Paul Leaney M65 Barrow RunnersGBR
169Andy Leates M50 Barrow RunnersGBR
170Lisa Leavett W45 GBR
171Fiona Lennox W45 Little Eaton HornetsGBR
172Colin Lewis M65 Erewash Valley RCGBR
173Dana Licakova WSEN GBR
174Gemma Lightfoot W40 GBR
175Russell Lipscombe M55 Hatton DartsGBR
176Sue Lomas Lomas W55 Mansfield HarriersGBR
177Corrina Loosemore W50 Ilkeston RCGBR
178Sonia Lord W55 Vegan Runners UKGBR
179David Luther M55 Hermitage Harriers RCGBR
180John Mair-Jenkins M40 GBR
181Robert Mallett M65 Fetch EveryoneGBR
182Sarah Malone W45 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
183Luke Martin M40 Barrow RunnersGBR
184Richard Martin M50 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
185Richard Masi M45 Sinfin RCGBR
186Jacqueline McAinsh W40 GBR
187Adrian McCordick M40 Chesapeake Road RunnersGBR
188Becky Mead WSEN GBR
189Andy Meadows M55 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
190Helen Meadows W55 GBR
191Gemma Meek W40 Sinfin Running ClubGBR
192Mark Merrills MSEN GBR
193Catherine Millet W45 Formula One Circuit CrewGBR
194Jane Millichip W55 Erewash Valley RCGBR
195Matthew Mills M50 GBR
196Peter Mills MSEN Long Eaton Running ClubGBR
197Linda Milner W55 Hatton DartsGBR
198Mel Minton W50 NrcGBR
199Lucas Monk MSEN GBR
200Esme Moss WU23 GBR
201Rebecca Moult WSEN South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
202Ronald Muhumuza M40 Barrow RunnersGBR
203Kate Muir W60 GBR
204Chris Nappin M45 Erewash Valley RCGBR
205Lisa Nappin W50 GBR
206David Narborough MSEN Mickleover RCGBR
207Mike Nash MSEN South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
208Matthew Naylor MU23 GBR
209Zachary Naylor M45 Long Eaton RCGBR
210Tony Neave M55 GBR
211Annabel Nickols W55 Long Eaton RCGBR
212Chris Nicoll M50 Derby Triathlon ClubGBR
213Matthew Nightingale MSEN CheasapeakeGBR
214Suzanne Nightingale WSEN CheasapeakeGBR
215Mark Nixon M55 1485 Tri ClubGBR
217Dawn O’Hara W50 SinfinRCGBR
216Kerry Oakey W45 Swad JoggersENG
218Andrew Orme M55 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
219Suzanne Orr W50 GBR
220Carolyn Osborne W55 Ivanhoe RunnoGBR
221Chris Osborne M55 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
222Suzanne Parish W40 GBR
223Leanne Parry WSEN GBR
224Alan Percival M55 Hermitage HarriersGBR
225Toni Perry W60 GBR
226David Pettit MSEN Derwent Valley OrienteersGBR
227Bill Phillips M70 Barrow RunnersGBR
228Rob Phillips M50 Barrow RunnersGBR
229Jane Phinn W50 GBR
230Nicola Photiou W45 Erewash Valley RCGBR
231James Pinchin M40 Beeston ACGBR
232Susan Pinder W60 Heanor RCGBR
233Ben Plummer MSEN Long Eaton Running ClubGBR
234Connor Pooles MSEN GBR
235Kerry Pooles W50 GBR
236Stacy Potts W40 GBR
237James Priestley MSEN GBR
238Helen Radwell-Mead W50 GBR
239Jeff Rainbow M70 F1CCGBR
240Patrick Raine MSEN GBR
241Salonie Ranat WSEN GBR
242Raymond Randall M50 GBR
243Alison Ratcliffe W45 GBR
244David Ratcliffe M50 GBR
245Robert Read M50 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
246Donna Reid W40 South Derbyshire Road Runners ACGBR
247Teresa Reynolds-Wood W50 GBR
248David Richards M45 GBR
249Michael Richards M45 Mickleover running clubGBR
250Bridget Riley WSEN Alsager RunnersGBR
251Denise Robertson W45 Shelton StridersGBR
252Kathy Robinson W55 Barrow RunnersGBR
253Steve Robinson-Day M55 Kimberley & District StridersGBR
254David Robson M55 Barrow RunnersGBR
255Alison Roscoe W60 GBR
256Kellie Ross W50 Mickleover Running ClubGBR
257Alex Rowell WSEN Derwent Runners (Derby)GBR
258Nick Rowles M50 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
259Katie Ruaux WSEN GBR
260Michelle Rushby W50 GBR
261Martyn Ryan M40 GBR
262Jane Rycroft W50 GBR
263Barry Saunders M55 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
264Alan Saywell M50 GBR
265Mark Shankland M50 Team Derby RunnerGBR
266Jeff Shaw M55 GBR
267Ramzi Sidani M45 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
268Sharlotte Simonds WSEN South Derbyshire Road Runners / Swad JoggersGBR
269Michelle Simpkin W55 Mansfield HarriersGBR
270Samantha Skelton W50 RR HarriersGBR
271Michael Skivington M65 GBR
272Hayden Smedley M40 WEBUYCYCLEGBR
273Julian Smith M50 GBR
274Katherine Smith WSEN Shepshed RCGBR
275Mark Smith M55 Robin Hood runnersGBR
276Victoria Smith W50 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
277Paul Sneath M45 GBR
278Sara Sneath W45 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
279Alan Sneddon M55 GBR
280Nivien Speith W40 Olney RunnersGBR
281Ben Spencer M40 Barrow RunnersGBR
282Nigel Spencer-Maggs M50 GBR
283Jonathan Spurgin M45 Holme Pierrepont RCGBR
284Jordan Stephenson MSEN GBR
285Phi Stevenson WSEN Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
286Barry Stone M65 Little Eaton HornetsGBR
287Julie Stone W60 Little Eaton HornetsGBR
288Gavin Straffon MSEN GBR
289Neil Swift M55 SDRRGBR
290Teresa Swift W50 SDRRGBR
291David Swift-Rollinson M50 Barrow RunnersGBR
292Charlene Taylor WSEN GBR
293Emily Taylor WSEN Belper harriersGBR
294Kelvin Taylor M50 GBR
295Andrew Thomas M45 GBR
296Steve Thomas M45 Erewash Valley RCGBR
297Dave Traves M50 GBR
298Alisa Trubilina WSEN GBR
299Chris Trzcinski M60 Barrow RunnersGBR
300Sophie Turner WSEN Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
301David Twells M45 Mickleover joggersGBR
302Tanya Twells W50 Mickleover JoggersGBR
303Tina Twells W55 GBR
304Evelyn Vickery W45 GBR
305Aiden Ward-Rotherham MSEN GBR
306Julie Ward-Rotherham W60 GBR
307Kerry Ward-Rotherham WSEN GBR
308Catherine Watkins W45 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
309Laura Watkinson WSEN GBR
310Ben Watson M50 GBR
311Jamie Webster MSEN GBR
312Paul Webster M70 GBR
313Marcelina Wesolowska WSEN GBR
314Szymon Wesolowski MSEN GBR
315Phillipa Weston W60 BadgersGBR
316Steve White M65 Long Eaton RCGBR
317Catherine Whitehouse WSEN GBR
318Karen Wilks W50 South Derbyshire Road RunnersGBR
319Jacqueline Williamson W55 Shepshed RCGBR
320Andrea Winkless W50 Barrow RunnersGBR
321Michael Wood M55 GBR
322Zowie Worgan WSEN GBR
323Aifric Wormald W55 GBR
324Lindsey Wright W45 Swad JoggersGBR
325Anthony Wright-Mullaney M40 Long Eaton Running ClubGBR
326Joseph Wright-Mullaney M40 Long Eaton Running ClubGBR
327David Young M65 GBR
328Louise Zonko W40 Gnosall globetrottersGBR

The Mini Bash (5 km) (15)
400Jane Bland W50 Ivanhoe RunnersGBR
401Jennifer Clarke W40 Smalley Road RunnersGBR
402Logan Clarke MU13 GBR
403Monica Cooper W75 GBR
404Charlotte Dowson W45 GBR
405Michael Dowson M45 GBR
406Christina Godfrey W40 GBR
407Pauline Hodson W65 GBR
408Cameron Laurie MU19 GBR
409Abi Norman W45 Steel City Striders RCGBR
410Linda Philo W55 Jog DerbyshireGBR
411Louise Rawson W40 GBR
412Margaret Sheldon W70 GBR
413Tracey Shorthouse W45 GBR
414Joseph Taylor MU16 GBR

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