(D) NGOC League 10 - Headless Hill Start List

Saturday 08 October 2022 Competitor Statistics (Total=141, Online=100%) See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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SI Card  
Name Age
Club Co. Start Time
Brown (33)
98657540Doug Wilson M50 NGOCGBR tba (h)
118668921Richard Mawer M50 BAOCGBR tba
128071647John Richardson M21 BAOCUSA tba
138210876Tommi Grover M45 BOKGBR tba
248645277Mark Stodgell M50 WCHGBR tba
268680934David Pilling M55 BOKCYM tba
37345516Laurence Snowden M55 SWOCGBR tba
388670602Vanessa Lawson W50 NGOCENG tba (h)
53947191James Wilkinson M21 NGOCGBR tba
558010365Russell Finch M55 ODENG tba
588170897Michael Hallett M21 BOKGBR tba
598657538Rhys Manning M40 SWOCGBR tba
65630506Clive Hallett M55 BOKGBR tba
678408100Donatas Tumaitis M35 CHIGGBR tba
698628551Adam Potter M21 BOKGBR tba
808487531Stephen Lee-Jones M55 BOKGBR tba
83260362Alex Lyne M40 INDCYM tba
851848841Catherine Slade W45 SAXGBR tba
939060969Jason Howell M50 HOCGBR tba
962080002Hanlin Wang M21 UBOCGBR tba
982105245Iain Mennie M60 CLYDEGBR tba
1028221169Chris McCartney M50 HOCENG tba
1048645271Matthew Owen M55 BOKGBR tba
107235544Nick Nourse M60 NWOGBR tba
1088680940James Clemence M60 SWOCCYM tba
109750018Neil Albert M50 NGOCFRA tba
1152080005Matt Haines M21 UBOCGBR tba
1218120100Daniel Weaver M21 UBOCGBR tba
1248260173Bernhard Hagen M45 BOKENG tba
1368197050Jeremy Tonge M50 BOKGBR tba
1388643382Thomas Cochrane M35 NGOCGBR tba
1408210257Christopher Kelsey M65 BOKGBR tba
1418069685John Townsend M55 SWOCCYM tba

Blue (33)
5TF HireAndy Creber M60 NGOCGBR tba
68490707Rose Taylor W16 NGOCGBR tba (h)
88490904Rob Taylor M50 NGOCGBR tba (h)
108047878Bethan Irwin W40 SBOCCYM tba
148270681Sara Currie W40 BOKGBR tba
168467600Ginny Hudson W60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
192049784Duncan Innes M60 SWOCGBR tba
218180459Alan Pucill M60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
228151255Nick Dennis M60 BOKGBR tba
238061001Rachel Dennis W55 BOKGBR tba
278190271Tania Wimberley W50 RACORSA tba
301081051John Simmons M70 BOKGBR tba
31261876Richard Davies M60 HOCGBR tba
32260336Clive Caffall M60 NGOCGBR tba
408064307John Leeson M60 HOCGBR tba
428491270Paul Bryce M50 NGOCGBR tba (h)
44221494Steve Chiverton M70 HOCGBR tba
458154473Richard Rossington M60 BOKGBR tba
46408434Julian Bass M55 HOCGBR tba
608180192Debbie Manning W21 SWOCGBR tba
66572303Jackie Hallett W65 BOKGBR tba
788180362Greg Best M60 NGOCGBR tba
798214525Steve Williams M65 NGOCGBR tba
818667384Amy Lee-Jones W18 BOKGBR tba
928101255Philip Eeles M65 SOCENG tba
948491071Craig Smith M55 BOKENG tba
958413745Tom Mills M75 NGOCGBR tba
97220527Ro Cole W60 NGOCENG tba (h)
99401244Tony Cockbain M65 NGOCGBR tba
1018442122David Harper M65 DEVONGBR tba
105TF HireAndy Wareing M40 BOKGBR tba
1232080003Hou Tin Chau M21 UBOCGBR tba
1398290157Helen Kelsey W65 BOKGBR tba

Green (41)
18160511James Askew M60 TVOCGBR tba
78490803Judith Taylor W55 NGOCGBR tba (h)
17443894Alan Starling M65 NGOCGBR tba
182136458Ellen Starling W60 NGOCGBR tba
20342253Christine Farr W45 SWOCGBR tba
258280154Paul Basher M65 HOCGBR tba
28347600Dave Hartley M70 NGOCENG tba (h)
291150655Alison Simmons W65 BOKGBR tba
398641854Peter Ribbans M65 SWOCGBR tba
43444878Sarah Bryce W50 NGOCGBR tba
487011117Jack Hobby M21 NGOCGBR tba
497710617Paul Hobby M50 NGOCGBR tba
501340948Alex Evans M60 NGOCGBR tba
512064223Michael Wilkinson M65 HOCGBR tba
54626162Alison Wilkinson W21 INDGBR tba
56HireKatherine Finch W21 INDGBR tba
57202158Dave Andrews M75 NGOCGBR tba
628223211Chris Atkins M40 BOKGBR tba
638424333Andy Stott M60 NGOCENG tba
64339761Hannah Bradley W45 NGOCGBR tba
688181962David Potter M60 BOKGBR tba
708000885Rachel Potter W21 BOKGBR tba
728328138Paul Taunton M70 NGOCENG tba (h)
73TF HireLucille Irwin W16 SBOCGBR tba
75261207Alan Richards M75 NGOCCYM tba
761425835Duncan Perry M50 BOKGBR tba
778477536Marcus Perry M14 BOKGBR tba
868437711Edward Stott M35 SLOWGBR tba
10012535Neil Cameron M75 NGOCGBR tba
1038491075David Faulkner M60 BOKENG tba
106TF HireMegan Wareing W14 BOKGBR tba
112261872Peter Colbert M70 SWOCCYM tba
114HireEfthymios Kritikos M20 UBOCGBR tba
1172080008Lewis Williams M21 UBOCGBR tba
1228657539Jill Manning W70 SWOCCYM tba
1258516170Leni Hagen W16 BOKENG tba
1268657541Tom Birthwright M40 NGOCGBR tba
1287207668Laura Britton W40 BOKGBR tba
1298310710John Miklausic M40 NGOCGBR tba
1358413716Isabelle Tonge W14 BOKGBR tba
1378069689Louise Tonge W50 BOKGBR tba

Short Green (15)
158281264Alan Stringer M55 NGOCGBR tba
3440227Robert Teed M80 NGOCCYM tba (h)
352145567John Parfitt M75 BOKGBR tba
36247462Alice Parfitt W21 BOKGBR tba
418261942Frank Ince M80 SWOCGBR tba
52442941Julia Wilkinson W60 HOCGBR tba
612127445Peter Maloney M75 NGOCCYM tba
719200769Sam Cottle M21 INDGBR tba
7441291Jenny Selley W65 BOKGBR tba
113222321Susan Colbert W75 SWOCCYM tba
1168005022Trudi Johnson W50 BOKENG tba
1182080006Joel McGraw M20 UBOCENG tba
1192218400Charmaine Sew W20 UBOCGBR tba
120TF HireDave Denning M55 BOKGBR tba
1341262197Hilary Nicholls W55 NGOCGBR tba

Orange (9)
48413729Rhiannon Fadeyibi W60 NGOCGBR tba
47442428John Bass M12 HOCGBR tba
822142085Gillian Lee-Jones W55 BOKSCO tba
87HireHarriet Gordon W21 INDGBR tba
88HireMike Raffles M35 INDGBR tba
89HireWendy Gordon W55 INDGBR tba
90HireAlex Gordon M21 INDGBR tba
91HireChris Gordon M21 INDGBR tba
130HireJessica Miklausic W40 NGOCGBR tba

Yellow (10)
28160512Zebedee Harlock-Askew M10 TVOCGBR tba
38160513Alexander Harlock-Askew M10 TVOCGBR tba
338515035Alan Kempton M70 BOKGBR tba
84HireSebastian Lyne M12 INDCYM tba
110HireRose Cameron W12 NGOCENG tba
111HireFrancis Cameron M10 INDENG tba
1272133821Maya Britton W12 BOKGBR tba
131HireDylan Miklausic M10 NGOCGBR tba
132HireLuke Miklausic M12 NGOCENG tba
133HireElla Miklausic W10 NGOCGBR tba

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