(C) BOK Regional & Yvette Baker Heat - Wavering Down Start List

Sunday 08 May 2022 Competitor Statistics (Total=235, Online=100%) See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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SI Card  
Name Age
Club Co. Start Time
Brown (33)
108250528Robert Elston M21 UBOCENG 11:00 - 11:14
127111057Angela Modica W50 DEVONENG 10:30 - 10:44
13HireSpencer Modica M55 DEVONENG 10:30 - 10:44
178170897Michael Hallett M21 BOKGBR 11:45 - 11:59
218005362Phil Newall M60 KERNOGBR 12:30 - 12:44
228487531Stephen Lee-Jones M55 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44 (h)
268091172Scott Bailey M50 BOKGBR 11:00 - 11:14
338110184Simon Evans M35 KERNOGBR 10:30 - 10:44
38630506Clive Hallett M55 BOKGBR 12:45 - 12:59 (h)
508100260Rob Hick M60 WSXGBR 11:30 - 11:44
628210876Tommi Grover M45 BOKGBR 11:00 - 11:14
648256414David Roy M40 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
808657479Tom Perry M18 DEVONGBR 12:45 - 12:59
842144773Nick Sanders M21 DEVONENG 11:00 - 11:14
1062105318Tom Bush M40 BOFENG 10:30 - 10:44
1102080095Tom Lewis M50 DEVONGBR 12:30 - 12:44
1118630942Ben Chesters M40 DEVONENG 12:15 - 12:29
1148237899Brian Pearson M60 QOENG 12:45 - 12:59
1168628705Adam Baker-Hale M45 RAFOENG 11:00 - 11:14
1341041229Christian Saxtoft M60 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44 (h)
1438670623Steven Hayter M45 DEVONGBR 11:15 - 11:29
1452020447Jeff Pakes M50 QOGBR 11:15 - 11:29
162444843Peter Clothier M50 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1698628689Jamie Hayward M21 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1779101443Richard Cottle M55 BOKGBR 11:15 - 11:29
1818657400Charles Daniel M65 BOKGBR 11:30 - 11:44
1908323237Peter Shirvington M45 QOGBR 11:45 - 11:59
2038657441Nick Gracie M50 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
208235544Nick Nourse M60 NWOGBR 11:30 - 11:44
218HirePaul Craddy M40 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
2232020561Richard Sansbury M50 QOGBR 12:00 - 12:14
2278432155Duncan Taylor M21 DEVONGBR 12:45 - 12:59
2318069675Mark Saunders M60 BOKGBR 12:00 - 12:14

Blue (42)
58491080Richard Hudson M55 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
208031161Adele Newall W60 KERNOGBR 12:30 - 12:44
318060257Peter Foster M65 BOKENG 10:30 - 10:44
348270816Laura Evans W35 KERNOGBR 12:00 - 12:14
35TF HireAndy Wareing M40 BOKGBR 11:45 - 11:59
39572303Jackie Hallett W65 BOKENG 12:45 - 12:59 (h)
408181288Sheila Braine W55 QOGBR 12:45 - 12:59
518140962Carolyn Dent W60 BOKGBR 11:30 - 11:44 (h)
528030303Bryan Smith M70 DEVONGBR 11:15 - 11:29
531409701Andrew Reynolds M55 DEVONGBR 11:00 - 11:14
598150655Alison Simmons W65 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
608081051John Simmons M70 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
718003046Robin Mills M55 WIMGBR 11:00 - 11:14
738680934David Pilling M55 BOKGBR 12:45 - 12:59
77401736Andrew Bussell M50 QOGBR 11:15 - 11:29
818668904Ben Perry M16 DEVONGBR 12:45 - 12:59
82698696Peter Stagg M50 BOKGBR 12:15 - 12:29 (h)
83698693Jane Stagg W50 BOKGBR 12:15 - 12:29 (h)
911191074Stephen Lysaczenko M60 QOGBR 10:30 - 10:44
928120277Agnes Kaminska W45 BOKENG 10:45 - 10:59
958138385Cat Edwardes W50 DEVONGBR 11:45 - 11:59
1018197050Jeremy Tonge M50 BOKGBR 11:00 - 11:14
1028145408Brian Hughes M75 HOCCYM 11:30 - 11:44
1248490707Rose Taylor W16 NGOCGBR 11:00 - 11:14
1268490904Rob Taylor M50 NGOCGBR 11:00 - 11:14
1278090774Andrew Howard M45 BOFGBR 11:30 - 11:44
1288430749Harry Bratcher-Howard M16 WIMGBR 11:30 - 11:44
1368210188James Long M21 BOKGBR 11:15 - 11:29
1562127377Dawn Williamson W60 DEVONGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1638145412Paul Lane M65 BAOCGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1678645271Matthew Owen M55 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59 (h)
1688223211Chris Atkins M40 BOKGBR 12:00 - 12:14
1938004314Sandy Burgon M65 BOKGBR 11:30 - 11:44 (h)
1978154473Richard Rossington M60 BOKENG 10:45 - 10:59
1982038707Matthew Knipe M55 QOGBR 10:45 - 10:59
2008260173Bernhard Hagen M45 BOKENG 11:45 - 11:59
2068451661Tim Houlder M65 WSXGBR 11:00 - 11:14
2158328638Samuel Taunton M35 NGOCENG 11:30 - 11:44
2168328138Paul Taunton M70 NGOCENG 11:30 - 11:44
2242800213Jason Falconer M50 WSXGBR 11:00 - 11:14
2258432151Adrian Taylor M65 DEVONENG 12:45 - 12:59
2328667571Alice Bedwell W60 BOKGBR 12:00 - 12:14

Green (51)
118180453Chris Johnson M65 BOKENG 10:30 - 10:44
148515031Gill Tindal W55 BOKGBR 11:45 - 11:59
238667384Amy Lee-Jones W18 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
278030497Amy Curtis W50 BOKGBR 11:00 - 11:14
29HireAlex Massie M35 BOKGBR 11:15 - 11:29
41TF HireHamish Braine-Clarke M16 QOGBR 12:45 - 12:59
42TF HireMatilda Knox Cartwright W16 BOKGBR 11:15 - 11:29
458060314Brian Hart M75 SARUMGBR 11:15 - 11:29
479100453Barry Olds M65 KERNOGBR 12:15 - 12:29
541966920Alison Reynolds W55 DEVONGBR 11:00 - 11:14
569921698Joanne Leigh W55 HOCGBR 11:15 - 11:29
578103226Emily Elms W18 BOKGBR 11:00 - 11:14
7224823Michelle Barrows W50 BOKGBR 12:45 - 12:59
788657440David Palmer M75 BOKGBR 11:30 - 11:44
852144776Georgina Long W21 DEVONENG 11:00 - 11:14
1071425835Duncan Perry M50 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
1098491071Craig Smith M55 BOKENG 11:00 - 11:14
113263689John Chesters M70 DEVONENG 12:15 - 12:29
117202190Tony Hext M70 QOGBR 12:00 - 12:14
118202229David Mullins M70 SARUMGBR 11:00 - 11:14
120414306Laurence Gossage M70 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44 (h)
121HireNick Day M35 BOKENG 11:15 - 11:29
1258490803Judith Taylor W55 NGOCGBR 11:00 - 11:14
1338201162Susanne Andersen W60 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44 (h)
1448632901Gwen Tanner W60 BOKGBR 12:45 - 12:59 (h)
1482032783Allan Darwell M70 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1528198600Sam Landrigan M35 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1558074174Karen Crawford W50 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59 (h)
157444893Paul Bloch M60 DEVONGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1618163250Chris Virgo M70 DEVONCYM 12:00 - 12:14
1648040743Tom Edelsten M75 GOGBR 12:00 - 12:14
1658645273Guy Owen M18 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1668645272Alice Owen W45 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1712049893Rob Davis M50 BOKENG 12:45 - 12:59
1723333333Ben Davis M21 INDENG 12:45 - 12:59
1732145568Trevor Griffiths M70 BOKCYM 12:15 - 12:29 (h)
1748363931Caroline Potter W60 BOKGBR 11:00 - 11:14 (h)
1759200769Rachel Potter W21 INDGBR 11:15 - 11:29
183HireIan Barrett M45 BOKGBR 11:15 - 11:29
1842212491Duncan Liddle M60 NWOGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1858100606Finlay Anderson M16 BOKGBR 12:15 - 12:29
1861710324Debbie Anderson W50 BOKGBR 12:15 - 12:29
1888190546Matthew Carter M45 QOGBR 11:00 - 11:14
2018516170Leni Hagen W16 BOKENG 11:45 - 11:59
202HireTrevor Henegan M50 IndGBR 11:45 - 11:59
205434457Sarah Houlder W60 WSXGBR 11:00 - 11:14
2128210954Simon St Leger-Harris M65 QOGBR 12:15 - 12:29
2138280268Elizabeth Treherne W50 QOGBR 10:45 - 10:59
2148328268Rosalind Taunton W70 NGOCENG 11:30 - 11:44
219HireMargaret Warlow W40 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
2357207668Laura Britton W40 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59

Short Green (33)
3342273Joan Hambleton W80 SARUMENG 12:30 - 12:44
4202221Peter Hambleton M75 SARUMCYM 12:30 - 12:44
6202152John Trayler M75 QOGBR 11:30 - 11:44
98261942Frank Ince M80 SWOCGBR 12:30 - 12:44
15260550Carol Pearce W75 DEVONENG 11:30 - 11:44
16202171John Pearce M75 DEVONENG 11:45 - 11:59
182145567J W Parfitt M75 BOKGBR 11:00 - 11:14
252080031Helena Fielder W40 BOKGBR 11:45 - 11:59 (h)
328250957Jo Foster W65 BOKENG 10:30 - 10:44
43HireGareth Beynon M50 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
468065176Pat Hart W75 SARUMGBR 11:15 - 11:29
678011966Karen Lewis W55 QOGBR 11:15 - 11:29
74247462Alice Parfitt W21 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
75400977Mike Kite M75 WIMGBR 11:45 - 11:59
898180751Sue Curtis W70 BOKGBR 12:45 - 12:59 (h)
908150251Brian Curtis M70 BOKGBR 12:45 - 12:59 (h)
932222693Neil Connelly M75 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44 (h)
9441293Jill Green W75 DEVONENG 11:00 - 11:14
991263675Stephen Williams M65 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1032072478David Gray M75 BOKGBR 11:30 - 11:44
112263656Ruth Chesters W70 DEVONENG 12:00 - 12:14
119202230Denise Mullins W70 SARUMGBR 11:00 - 11:14
1238491075David Faulkner M60 BOKENG 10:30 - 10:44 (h)
135401489Roger Craddock M80 QOGBR 11:15 - 11:29
1478194272Clare Fletcher W80 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1498194900Christine King W70 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
170TF HireJasmine Pilbeam W21 SWOCGBR 11:00 - 11:14
192HireGraham Pearson M60 QOENG 12:45 - 12:59
2078130847Sue Hands W70 WIMGBR 11:45 - 11:59
2178264969Greg Birdseye M75 TVOCGBR 11:00 - 11:14
221HirePaul Butler M55 INDGBR 10:45 - 10:59
2228130297Meredith Moody W21 BOKGBR 11:15 - 11:29
226401526Helen Taylor W60 DEVONENG 12:45 - 12:59

Light Green (21)
12443519Piers Glen M60 BOKENG 10:45 - 10:59
2HireAlan Stringer M55 NGOCENG 11:30 - 11:44
242142085Gillian Lee-Jones W55 BOKSCO 10:30 - 10:44 (h)
36TF HireMegan Wareing W14 BOKGBR 11:45 - 11:59
48TF HireGeorgina Gough W45 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
588103236Polly Atherton W50 BOKGBR 11:00 - 11:14
76TF HireLucy Bussell W18 QOGBR 11:15 - 11:29
96HireMartin Lowe M45 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
1008413716Isabelle Tonge W14 BOKGBR 11:00 - 11:14
104HireHonor Lien W14 BOKENG 11:15 - 11:29
105HirePeter Lien M45 BOKENG 11:15 - 11:29
1081426921Marcus Perry M14 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
1298203095Monty Bratcher-Howard M14 WIMGBR 11:30 - 11:44
137TF HireIain Large M21 INDGBR 10:30 - 10:44
138TF HireHannah Large W21 INDGBR 11:45 - 11:59
141HireSara Keirle W35 INDENG 10:30 - 10:44
1508020080Joseph Morris M14 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
176TF HireSam Cottle M21 INDGBR 11:15 - 11:29
194HireBeth Kuipers von Lande W40 INDGBR 10:45 - 10:59
199TF HireAnnabel Davis W21 BOKENG 12:30 - 12:44
228TF HireVictoria Eddins W40 INDENG 10:45 - 10:59

Orange (23)
37TF HireDaniel Wareing M12 BOKGBR 11:45 - 11:59
44HireFreya Beynon W14 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
49TF HireOlivia Andrews W14 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
63HireXavier Keirle M12 INDENG 10:30 - 10:44
687021307Annabelle Lewis W16 QOENG 11:15 - 11:29
697063008Oliver Lewis M14 QOENG 11:15 - 11:29
70TF HireJoe Freeston M14 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
79TF HireFinley Goddard M12 QOGBR 11:30 - 11:44
872115190Forbes MacDougall M60 BOKGBR 12:00 - 12:14
88HireZoe MacDougall W45 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
97HireAlex Lowe M14 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
115401009John Hadler M65 BOKGBR 11:00 - 11:14
131HireSarah Constantin W45 INDGBR 11:00 - 11:14
1328270311Alice French W12 WIMGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1398413706Victoria Holbrook W35 BOKGBR 11:00 - 11:14
180TF HireIra Bolshakova W21 INDGBR 12:00 - 12:14
182TF HireJacob Chattell M14 QOGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1878174847Annabel Carter W16 QOGBR 11:00 - 11:14
191TF HireJacob Shirvington M14 QOGBR 11:45 - 11:59
195HireEwan Kuipers von Lande M12 INDGBR 10:45 - 10:59
196HireArwen Kuipers von Lande W14 INDGBR 11:00 - 11:14
204HireGeorge Gracie M16 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
233TF HireIsabel Nyaruwa W14 BOKGBR 11:15 - 11:29

Yellow (24)
7TF HireIsla Overy W12 BOKGBR 12:45 - 12:59
28HireIris Massie W10 BOKGBR 11:15 - 11:29
55888258Martha Wilson W10 BOKENG 11:30 - 11:44
618515035Alan Kempton M70 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
65TF HireAl Hemmings W12 QOGBR 11:45 - 11:59
66TF HireSebastian Hemmings M10 QOGBR 11:45 - 11:59
86HireMatilda MacDougall W12 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
98HireBen Lowe M12 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
130HireLucie Constantin W10 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
140HirePippa Fowler W10 INDGBR 10:30 - 10:44
142HireMaelys Keirle W10 INDGBR 10:30 - 10:44
146TF HireFlora Pakes W12 QOGBR 11:15 - 11:29
158TF HireDeeyana Jaradat W12 QOGBR 11:45 - 11:59
159TF HireIlyaseen Jaradat M10 QOGBR 11:45 - 11:59
160TF HireClaire Bennett W45 QOGBR 12:45 - 12:59
178HirePippa Crawford W12 BOKENG 11:00 - 11:14
179HireIsla Crawford W10 BOKENG 11:15 - 11:29
1898034299Chloe Carter W14 QOGBR 11:00 - 11:14
209TF HireMencia Leira Montero W10 BOKENG 11:00 - 11:14
210HireKatherine Hinchliffe W12 INDGBR 11:15 - 11:29
220TF HireTessa Johnson W12 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
229TF HireNatalia Eddins W12 INDENG 10:45 - 10:59
230TF HireOrien Eddins M10 INDENG 10:45 - 10:59
2342133821Maya Britton W12 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59

White (8)
8TF HireJames Overy + 1 M10 BOKGBR 12:45 - 12:59
19347507Evelyn Darlow W10 BOKGBR 10:30 - 10:44
30TF HireAdam Tall n/c M10 BOKGBR 12:15 - 12:29
122HireBaylie Day W10 INDGBR 10:30 - 10:44
15137566Caroline Morris W10 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1538020120Iris Landrigan W10 BOKGBR 10:45 - 10:59
1542049743Max Landrigan M10 BOKGBR 11:15 - 11:29
211HireJames Hinchliffe M10 INDGBR 11:15 - 11:29

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