(C) NGOC SW Regional league - Soudley Ponds Start List

Sunday 30 January 2022 Competitor Statistics (Total=194, Online=100%) See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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SI Card  
Name Age
Club Co. Start Time
Brown (22)
48010365Russell Finch M55 ODGBR tba
208270978Dai Wilson M40 LVOGBR tba
24750018Neil Albert M50 NGOCFRA tba
338657400Charles Daniel M65 BOKGBR tba
37223302Doug Stimson M40 NWOGBR tba
398064340Jim Hayward M55 BOKGBR tba
428401461Peter Ward M50 NGOCGBR tba
448230880Rebecca Ward W20 NGOCGBR tba
52947191James Wilkinson M21 NGOCGBR tba
538428248Marcus Pinker M45 FVOGBR tba
638487531Stephen Lee-Jones M55 BOKGBR tba
76HireSarah Clough W40 DEVONGBR tba
77333601Marian White W60 HOCGBR tba
79408434Julian Bass M55 HOCGBR tba
1098630942Ben Chesters M40 DEVONENG tba
1178657456Clare Dallimore W21 SWOCGBR tba
1318531380John Cameron M45 NGOCENG tba
14241295Christopher Kelsey M65 BOKGBR tba
143400993Alan Brown M70 NGOCENG tba
1578282828Richard Cronin M21 NGOCCYM tba
1628083011Ben Green M45 TVOCGBR tba
1898643417David Dunn M40 POTOCGBR tba

Blue (41)
88038707Reuben Lawson M16 NGOCCYM tba (h)
108670602Vanessa Lawson W50 NGOCGBR tba (h)
122074434Martin Yeo M21 DEVONGBR tba
131422458Kevin Brooker M50 NGOCENG tba (h)
198668910Ian Phillips M60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
228467600Ginny Hudson W60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
288490904Rob Taylor M50 NGOCENG tba (h)
302049784Duncan Innes M60 SWOCGBR tba
31342253Christine Farr W45 SWOCGBR tba
347654654Alan Honey M60 BOKGBR tba
408001088Mike Goldthorpe M60 SOCGBR tba
468491075David Faulkner M60 BOKENG tba
568051968Martin Lewis M50 QOENG tba
618670601Greg Best M60 NGOCGBR tba
6237528Steve Williams M65 NGOCGBR tba (h)
69TF HireSam Scott M21 NGOCGBR tba
708461705Karen Baker W50 DEVONENG tba
71400114Ivan Teed M45 NGOCGBR tba
82444878Paul Bryce M50 NGOCGBR tba
87442974Karl Kingsman M55 HOCGBR tba
988657513Peter Maliphant M65 BOKGBR tba
998643382Thomas Cochrane M35 NGOCGBR tba (h)
1001217702Andy Stott M60 NGOCENG tba
1038021078Scott Johnson M40 NGOCGBR tba
1048064307John Leeson M60 HOCGBR tba
1057060257Peter Foster M65 BOKENG tba
1128223211Chris Atkins M40 BOKGBR tba
1189102792Mark Ponsford M35 SWOCGBR tba
129438205Elisabeth Cameron W45 NGOCENG tba
1358154473Richard Rossington M60 BOKGBR tba
1368260173Bernhard Hagen M45 BOKENG tba
1391008512Adrian Moir M60 SWOCGBR tba
1408655909Ian Chafer M55 HOCGBR tba
1468328138Paul Taunton M70 NGOCENG tba
1598632182Richard Pay M55 WREENG tba
1658515561Matthew Parkes M45 GRAMPGBR tba
1728518869Andy Creber M60 NGOCGBR tba
1808134713Robert Finch M21 NGOCGBR tba (h)
1872030857Neil Grant M70 SWOCCYM tba
1938094061Ben Maliphant M21 BOKGBR tba
1948069685John Townsend M55 SWOCCYM tba

Green (68)
28091006Robin Irwin M14 SBOCGBR tba
58110269Sharon Finch W50 SWOCGBR tba
6339761Hannah Bradley W45 NGOCGBR tba (h)
98037174Seth Lawson M14 NGOCCYM tba (h)
11900321Jemma Davie W21 DEVONGBR tba
15443894Alan Starling M65 NGOCGBR tba
162136458Ellen Starling W60 NGOCGBR tba
1712535Neil Cameron M75 NGOCGBR tba (h)
182074463Ted McDonald M75 BOKENG tba
21347599Kim Liggett W60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
23202190Tony Hext M70 QOGBR tba
278490803Judith Taylor W55 NGOCENG tba (h)
298490707Rose Taylor W16 NGOCENG tba (h)
358040774Nick Ashby M45 SWOCGBR tba
412127445Peter Maloney M75 NGOCCYM tba
438220870Michelle Ward W50 NGOCGBR tba
458655902Jessica Ward W16 NGOCGBR tba
488413745Tom Mills M75 NGOCGBR tba (h)
49260336Clive Caffall M60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
502064223Mike Wilkinson M65 HOCGBR tba
548639642Carol Iddles W65 BOKENG tba
59TF HireIan Barrett M45 BOKGBR tba
608180459Alan Pucill M60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
64202158Dave Andrews M75 NGOCGBR tba
73236266John Shea M70 NGOCGBR tba
74217751Andy Pedder M65 NGOCGBR tba (h)
781411538Andrew White M65 HOCGBR tba
812212491Duncan Liddle M60 NWOGBR tba
858442140Si Read M55 NGOCGBR tba
898657440David Palmer M75 BOKGBR tba
908282825Steve Robertson M65 QOGBR tba
911425835Duncan Perry M50 BOKGBR tba
932145568Trevor Griffiths M70 BOKCYM tba
948261942Frank Ince M80 SWOCGBR tba
958641854Peter Ribbans M65 SWOCGBR tba
101414306Laurence Gossage M70 BOKGBR tba
1072120480Phil Warry M65 BOKGBR tba
1081783408Christopher Moon M70 BOKGBR tba
111263689John Chesters M70 DEVONENG tba
1138071053Roger Stein M65 SBOCCYM tba
114504291Becky Carlyle W35 TVOCGBR tba
120410806Neil Fraser M60 NWOGBR tba
1237207668Laura Britton W40 BOKGBR tba
124973042Tim Britton M40 BOKGBR tba
1268198000Ruth Landrigan W40 BOKGBR tba
1338363931Caroline Potter W60 BOKGBR tba
1348181962David Potter M60 BOKGBR tba
14139743Helen Kelsey W65 BOKGBR tba
1458328268Rosalind Taunton W70 NGOCENG tba
1471008520Mike Farrington M65 HOCENG tba
1492120577Steve Lee M60 NGOCENG tba (h)
152TF HireMatt Palmer-Wilkinson M40 BOKENG tba
1532800209Peter Colbert M70 SWOCCYM tba
1558628568Jane Bush W65 SWOCCYM tba
1568628657Kevin Bush M60 SWOCCYM tba
1611047047Ian Prowse M70 NGOCGBR tba (h)
164347564Richard Broad M75 IndGBR tba
166HireNicky Wareing W45 BOKGBR tba
168221494Steve Chiverton M70 HOCGBR tba
1698468648Anders Johansson M45 NGOCGBR tba
173347596John Fallows M60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
174200306Ainis Pirtnieks M60 SWOCCYM tba
175HireJana Purklava W60 INDCYM tba
1768657541Tom Birthwright M40 NGOCGBR tba
177HireMax Suff M60 INDGBR tba
1812142087Tom Agombar M45 NGOCGBR tba
182236197Alex Agombar W45 NGOCGBR tba
1858011233Karen Thompson W50 HOCGBR tba

Short Green (29)
1260248Alun Morgan M75 SWOCGBR tba
3HireLucille Irwin W16 SBOCGBR tba
7HireMatthew Fautley M55 NGOCGBR tba
36264291Nina Stimson W75 NWOGBR tba
38264236Ken Stimson M75 NWOGBR tba
478413729Rhiannon Fadeyibi W60 NGOCGBR tba (h)
51442941Julia Wilkinson W60 HOCGBR tba
558011966Karen Lewis W55 QOGBR tba
72202152John Trayler M75 QOGBR tba
758413723Diana Nicoll W60 BOKENG tba
84HireSarah Bryce W50 NGOCGBR tba
8640227Robert Teed M80 NGOCCYM tba (h)
888654204Mark Dyer M70 BOKENG tba
96260550Carol Pearce W75 DEVONENG tba
97202171John Pearce M75 DEVONENG tba
1029921698Joanne Leigh W55 HOCGBR tba
1067570925Jo Foster W65 BOKENG tba
110236290Ruth Chesters W70 DEVONENG tba
11941291Jenny Selley W65 BOKGBR tba
1258194900Christine King W70 BOKGBR tba
128261860Richard Raynsford M75 BOKGBR tba
1488333339Carol Farrington W65 HOCENG tba
150333910Ashley Ford M70 HOCGBR tba
151220709Barbara Ford W65 HOCGBR tba
154222321Susan Colbert W75 SWOCCYM tba
1608047047Suzanne Harding W55 NGOCGBR tba (h)
163401494Roger Craddock M80 QOGBR tba
1782022441Richard Andrews M80 NGOCGBR tba
192221218Rodney Archard M75 NGOCENG tba

Light Green (15)
14HireColette Du Toit W60 INDCYM tba
65HireAbigail Jones W35 INDGBR tba
66HireEbony Fletcher W10 INDGBR tba
67HireNicola Pettiford W40 INDGBR tba
68HireThomas Gambling M10 INDGBR tba
83HireAnna Bryce W16 NGOCGBR tba
921426921Marcus Perry M14 BOKGBR tba
1278020080Joseph Morris M14 BOKGBR tba
1378516169Marion Stutzriemer W45 BOKENG tba
1388516170Leni Hagen W16 BOKENG tba
167HireMegan Wareing W14 BOKGBR tba
1701180373Max Johansson M16 NGOCGBR tba
171HireTom Johansson M14 NGOCGBR tba
183411846James Agombar M14 NGOCGBR tba
1868667564Craig Thompson M14 HOCGBR tba

Orange (13)
25HireBarthelemy Albert M12 INDFRA tba
577021307Annabelle Lewis W16 QOENG tba
587063008Oliver Lewis M14 QOENG tba
80442428John Bass M12 HOCGBR tba
115HireEuan Kitchen M10 TVOCGBR tba
116HireRobert Kitchen M35 TVOCGBR tba
144339762Ann Brown W65 NGOCGBR tba
158HireStephen de Mora M21 NGOCGBR tba
179235403Deena Andrews W75 NGOCGBR tba
1842096722Hannah Agombar W12 NGOCGBR tba
18839906Clare Grant W65 SWOCCYM tba
190202145Lily Callard W10 INDGBR tba
191HireThomas Simpson M12 NGOCENG tba

Yellow (5)
26HireJohannes Albert M10 INDFRA tba
32203314 (H)Douglas Innes-Farr M12 SWOCGBR tba
1212133821Maya Britton W12 BOKGBR tba
130HireRose Cameron W12 NGOCENG tba
132HireFrancis Cameron M10 INDENG tba

White (1)
122434496Rafferty Britton M10 BOKGBR tba

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