Piercefield Park to Beechenhurst Lodge transfers Start List

Friday 11 February 2022 Competitor Statistics (Total=45, Online=100%) Note that this start list is sorted by Surname, and then Forename. See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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Name Age
Club Co.
Night Run (5 to 6 miles) (45)
3Giles Archer M45 Chippenham HarriersGBR
24Rohan Archer MU23 Chippenham HarriersGBR
33Jonathan Cruickshanks MSEN GBR
49Jess Davies WSEN Caerleon RCGBR
54Jeremy Dickson M55 Lliswerry RunnersENG
45James Erskine M40 GBR
64Mike Erskine MSEN GBR
35Tony Grandon M70 ATGBR
43James Guy MSEN GBR
44Liz Guy WSEN GBR
25Ryan Hardiman MSEN GBR
15Claire Jackson W45 Spirit of Monmouth Running ClubGBR
29Gareth Johns M40 Crickhowell Running ClubGBR
4Paul Linford M45 GBR
41Ben Lowe M40 Stroud & District ACGBR
2Julia Maddocks W45 Chippenham HarriersGBR
71Tony Marshall M55 ChepstowGBR
62Brian McCarthy MSEN GBR
59Andrew Milner M50 Stroud & District ACGBR
32Di Mogg W50 Crickhowell Running ClubGBR
70Jacob Muskett MSEN Stroud & District ACGBR
72Alec Naylor MSEN GBR
61Rob Nicholls MSEN Spirit of MonmouthGBR
26James O'Driscoll MSEN GBR
55Darren Ould MSEN Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
16Georgie Parnell WSEN Chepstow HarriersGBR
27Jamie Phillips MSEN GBR
52Alice Richards WSEN Caerleon RCGBR
51Liz Richards W55 Caerleon Running ClubGBR
18Kerry Riddiford WSEN New Berkeley HarriersGBR
1Dan Ridley M45 GBR
36Michael Riley M45 GBR
20Angharad Roberts WSEN GBR
67Beth Roberts WSEN GBR
68Eifion Roberts MSEN GBR
48Ben Sang M40 GBR
31Kay Smith W55 Crickhowell Running ClubGBR
14Suzanne Tew W50 Parc Bryn Bach RCGBR
53Matt Tooby MSEN Caerleon RCGBR
23Victoria Watkins W40 Worcester ACGBR
39Alan Wilcox M50 North Bristol running groupGBR
40Sheila Wilcox W50 North Bristol running groupGBR
7Will Williams M40 GBR
30Mel Wolfenden W45 Crickhowell Running ClubGBR

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