The Cake Race Start List

Saturday 02 May 2020 Competitor Statistics (Total=256, Online=100%) Note that this start list is sorted by Surname, and then Forename. See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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Name Age
Club Co.
10 Mile (256)
31Paul Adams M55 Chorlton RunnersGBR
49Peter Adams M45 Chorlton RunnersGBR
116Dave Agnew M65 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
191Claire Alger WSEN Todmorden HarriersGBR
259Emil Andrews M40 Pudsey & Bramley ACGBR
119Andy Baguley M40 Chorlton RunnersGBR
150Keith Baird M50 Holmfirth Harriers ACGBR
81Emma Ball W45 Middleton Harriers ACGBR
87Charlie Barlow M60 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
45Andy Barnes M55 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
12Brian Barnes M55 Chorlton RunnersGBR
154Graham Barnes M65 GBR
204Jill Barton W45 Rochdale Harriers & ACGBR
232Scott Baxter M40 Radcliffe ACGBR
237Mark Beard M40 Rochdale Triathlon ClubGBR
25Helen Berry W45 Holmfirth Harriers ACGBR
48Helena Bird W45 GBR
178Jo Bissell W40 Barnsley HarriersGBR
88Tim Blackwell M45 Chorlton RunnersGBR
219Marius Blazauskas MSEN GBR
220Egle Blazauskiene WSEN GBR
47Monica Boland W50 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
105Warren Bowden M50 Chorlton RunnersGBR
67John Bramwell M45 Rochdale Harriers & ACGBR
160Andrew Brankin M55 Kingstone Runners BarnsleyGBR
161Jane Brankin W50 Kingstone Runners BarnsleyGBR
188Mark Bray M45 Kingstone Runners BarnsleyGBR
164Lee Bridgewater M45 GBR
198Liam Browne MSEN East Cheshire Harriers & Tameside ACGBR
186Laura Buchan W40 GBR
197Mike Bundy M45 Rochdale trGBR
9Tim Byrne M50 Bramhall RunnersGBR
59Ben Caldwell MSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
64Kay Campbell W45 Astley & Tyldesley Road RunnersGBR
4Tim Campbell M45 Astley & Tyldesley Road RunnersGBR
113Ally Canning WSEN Northowram PumasGBR
213Ian Caveney MSEN GBR
162Andrew Chakley M50 Kingstone Runners BarnsleyGBR
17Sarah Chalmers W55 Nidd Valley Road RunnersGBR
174Helen Charles WSEN Mossley AFC Running ClubGBR
173Jonathan Charles MSEN Mossley AFC Running ClubGBR
121Sal Chatterton M45 GBR
111Jones Chris M45 GBR
94David Clarke M60 GBR
85Matthew Clawson MSEN Rossendale Harriers & ACGBR
10Hannah Coates WSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
143Gaby Concepcion M45 Trail Running NationGBR
75Colette Cooke WSEN Rochdale Harriers & ACGBR
33Laura Coucill WSEN Salford HarriersGBR
112Luke Cranfield MSEN Northowram PumasGBR
24Alex Critcher M40 Glossopdale HarriersGBR
123Ged Critchley M45 Oldham & Royton H & ACGBR
120Helena Croft WSEN Holmfirth Harriers ACGBR
76Terry Crowther M40 Chorlton RunnersGBR
187Kieran Cummings M40 Chorlton RunnersGBR
218Malcolm Cunningham M45 GBR
177Abbie Dagg W40 Denby Dale Athletics clubGBR
158Nadia Dahabiyeh WSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
252Cat Daniel WSEN Stainland Lions RCGBR
82Gary Daniels M40 Chorlton RunnersGBR
165Joanna Davison WSEN West End RunnersGBR
166William Davison M40 West End RunnersGBR
190Matt Dickinson M40 Salford HarriersGBR
38Nicola Dobra WSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
110Ian Douglas M40 Rochdale Harriers & ACGBR
68Nick Drinkall MSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
80Peter Dukes M50 Meltham ACGBR
134Fiona Dyson W50 GBR
19Darren Earnshaw M40 Calder Valley Fell RunnersGBR
201Melissa Edwards WSEN Middleton Harriers ACGBR
15Catherine Elliott W45 Chorlton RunnersGBR
239Amy Elphick WSEN Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
1Michelle Fairclough W40 Astley & Tyldesley Road RunnersGBR
90Maggie Farragher WSEN Chorlton runnersGBR
69Hilary Farren W55 Rossendale Harriers & ACGBR
141John Felton M50 Oldham & Royton H & ACGBR
142Julie Felton W50 Oldham & Royton H & ACGBR
51Gerard Finnigan M55 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
62Alex Frost M50 Rochdale Harriers & ACGBR
236Donna Gardner WSEN Rochdale Triathlon ClubGBR
57Richard Gardner M40 Chorlton RunnersGBR
238Sam Giles MSEN Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
144Jane Godsland W45 Red Rose Road RunnersGBR
114James Goodwin MSEN Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
78Andy Gould M50 GBR
130Paul Gray M55 Dark Peak Fell RunnersGBR
122Judith Green W45 CybeleGBR
41Tony Greene M75 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
148Hannah Greenlee WSEN Chorlton runnersGBR
175Dan Greenwood M45 Meltham ACGBR
95David Greenwood M55 Rossendale Harriers & ACGBR
20Liz Greenwood WSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
250Philip Greenwood MSEN Rossendale HarriersGBR
184Jennifer Gregory WSEN GBR
185Lee Gregory M45 GBR
226Andrew Haines M40 Radcliffe ACGBR
61Stephanie Harrison WSEN Rochdale Harriers & ACGBR
8Samantha Hartley WSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
199Rachel Haslam WSEN Astley & Tyldesley Road RunnersGBR
84Tanya Haynes W45 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
133John Heathcote M65 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
192Ross Heeley M40 GBR
101Christobel Heginbotham W55 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
42Philip Hewitt MSEN Holmfirth Harriers ACGBR
89Steve Hewitt M60 Holmfirth Harriers ACGBR
58David Hickling M65 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
225James Higginson MSEN Radcliffe ACGBR
103Jeffery Hignett M70 Rossendale Harriers & ACGBR
145Gary Hill MSEN GBR
97Louise Hill WSEN Astley & Tyldesley Road RunnersGBR
3Philip Hinchcliffe MSEN Rochdale Harriers & ACGBR
235Michelle Hincks WSEN Radcliffe ACGBR
189Richard Hind M50 Worksop HarriersGBR
11Colin Hines MSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
27Philip Hobbs M55 Holmfirth Harriers ACGBR
230Alison Howarth W45 Radcliffe ACGBR
35Jonny Howe MSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
147Billy Hughes M40 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
202Jordan Hughes MSEN Middleton Harriers ACGBR
247Robin Hughes MSEN GBR
181Gary Jackson M45 Stadium RunnersGBR
248Mary Jeal W55 Ilkley Harriers ACGBR
16Aisla Jones WSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
209Julie Jones W60 Middleton Harriers ACGBR
14Kevin Jones M50 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
13Paul Jones M50 West End RunnersGBR
98Sally Jones W50 GBR
212Graham Jordan M40 Middleton HarriersGBR
211Janine Jordan WSEN Middleton HarriersGBR
43Simon Jump M45 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
149Mandy Keenan W55 Trail Running NationGBR
171Luke Kelly MSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
104Adrian Kendrick M55 The CliqueGBR
135Andrew Kerry M50 Holmfirth Harriers ACGBR
176Rob Kersey M65 Holmfirth Harriers ACGBR
262Isaline Kneale W50 Horwich RMIGBR
179Roisin Knight WSEN West End RunnersGBR
66Mark Lambell M40 West End RunnersGBR
258Stephen Lee M50 Salford Harriers & ACGBR
253Caroline Leigh WSEN GBR
18Fiona Leslie W50 Chorlton RunnersGBR
36Martin Lomas M50 Astley & Tyldesley Road RunnersGBR
30Sean Lord M45 Chorlton RunnersGBR
21Tamela Maciel WSEN West End RunnersGBR
242Ian Maddrell M40 Atherton RCGBR
124Philip Martin M55 Holmfirth Harriers ACGBR
70Ian Mason M50 Kingstone Runners BarnsleyGBR
60John Mayall M55 Rochdale Harriers & ACGBR
206Jeff McCarthy M50 Rochdale Harriers & ACGBR
243Rachel McCurrie WSEN GBR
46Kevin McGilvray M65 Rossendale Harriers & ACGBR
224John Mcnicoll M55 Radcliffe ACGBR
182Trudy Melvin W50 Greenfield GreyhoundsGBR
254Richard Mercer M50 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
183Lisa Miles W45 Littleborough runnersGBR
222Ade Mills M45 GBR
65Paul Mogridge M45 Glossopdale harriersENG
83Paul Molloy MSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
170Nick Moore M40 West End RunnersGBR
207Catherine Murphy W50 Middleton Harriers ACGBR
50Lorraine Murphy WSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
53Rebecca Musgrove W40 Chorlton RunnersGBR
168Bryan Nelson M50 West End RunnersGBR
5Clare Newton WSEN Halifax Harriers & ACGBR
34Peter Nicholson MSEN Glossopdale HarriersGBR
138Yvonne Oades W55 Stadium RunnersGBR
136Elaine O'Connor WSEN West End RunnersGBR
23Mark Oliver M50 Mossley afc Running ClubGBR
127Michael Osinski-Gray MSEN CybeleGBR
155Allan Parkin M55 Vegan Runners UKGBR
200Melvin Patrick M45 GBR
140Chris Patterson M45 TRNGBR
251Chris Paxton MSEN Radcliffe ACGBR
56Tony Payne M60 Chorlton RunnersGBR
151Neil Peck M50 Tri PrestonGBR
257Nicola Pennington W45 Glossopdale HarriersGBR
63Sharon Pennington W45 GBR
37Steven Pepper MSEN GBR
255Chantal Percival WSEN Reading road runnersGBR
223Katie Percival WSEN Radcliffe ACGBR
153Lawrence Pinnell M50 Horwich Rmi Harriers & A.CGBR
44John Pollard M65 Glossopdale HarriersGBR
96Andy Poole M55 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
22Russell Price MSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
39Rowen Pymm WSEN Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
117Joanna Ramsden W40 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
72Sally Ratcliffe WSEN Aldershot & FarnhamGBR
71Sue Ratcliffe W60 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
29Kirsty Read W40 Glossopdale HarriersGBR
79Michael Redburn M55 GBR
172Paul Reece M45 GBR
93Sarah Renshaw WSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
256Guy Riddell M45 Glossopdale HarriersGBR
91Danny Riley MSEN GBR
92Phil Riley M45 Astley & Tyldesley Road RunnersGBR
180Brenda Roberts W70 Saddleworth RunnetsGBR
260Tracey Robinson WSEN Glossopdale harriersGBR
245Josh Rothery MSEN GBR
99Andrew Rudder M50 GBR
227Dave Rushton M50 Radcliffe ACGBR
234John Salamacha M55 West End RunnersGBR
128Green Sam MU23 CybeleGBR
109Craig Sanderson M45 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
108Karen Sanderson W45 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
194Michael Sanderson MSEN Holmfirth Harriers ACGBR
152Drew Savage M45 Chorlton RunnersGBR
77Kate Savile W45 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
163John Sellers M55 Kingstone Runners BarnsleyGBR
241Amy Shadbolt W40 GBR
106Ian Sharpe M50 Chorlton RunnersGBR
217Jonothan Shaw M45 GBR
216Marica Shaw W40 GBR
54James Sheard M50 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
167Sarah Shepherdson W50 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
205Michael Sinclair M55 Astley & Tyldesley Road RunnersGBR
132Karen Sinkinson W55 Holmfirth Harriers ACGBR
126Andy Slater MSEN CybeleGBR
125Rachael Slater W40 CybeleGBR
102Nicky Snook W55 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
196James Staveley M50 Worksop HarriersGBR
195Sally Staveley W55 Worksop HarriersGBR
249Chris Sugars M45 Felixstowe RRCGBR
208Craig Sutherland M60 Middleton Harriers & ACENG
32Nick Syrett M40 Chorlton runnersGBR
156Gwenllian Tawy WSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
193Emily Taylor WSEN GBR
7Lois Taylor WSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
6Michael Taylor MSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
137David Thompson MSEN SLOWGBR
233Sarah Thorp W40 West End RunnersGBR
74Martha Tibbot WSEN Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
2Graham Townshend M50 Astley & Tyldesley Road RunnersGBR
28Wendy Trelease W45 Glossopdale HarriersGBR
52Shirley Tuersley W50 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
214Jo Turner W40 GBR
215Will Turner M40 GBR
118Alex Waddington W40 GBR
129Joseph Wade MSEN Dark Peak Fell RunnersGBR
100Dawn Walker W40 GBR
86Neil Walker M45 Rochdale Triathlon ClubGBR
139Phil Walsh M50 GBR
228Ian Warrington MSEN GBR
169Paula Warrington W45 West End RunnersGBR
55Luke Watson M45 Chorlton RunnersGBR
244Robert Webster MSEN GBR
73Craig Wellens M50 Rochdale Harriers & ACGBR
203Kay Welsby WSEN Rochdale Harriers & ACGBR
146Jason Wilks M45 Saddleworth Runners ClubGBR
157Mels Williamson W40 Chorlton RunnersGBR
40Hayley Winder W40 Radcliffe ACGBR
131Rachel Wood WSEN GBR
26Francis Wooff M55 Chorlton RunnersGBR
231John Wrigley MSEN Radcliffe ACGBR
246Nick Wyles MSEN GBR
115Virginia Young W60 Stainland Lions RCGBR
221Alison Zimmer WSEN GBR

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