Avon Valley Railway 10K / 4K Start List

Saturday 08 February 2020 Competitor Statistics (Total=229, Online=90%) Postal entries (nnn*) were last uploaded on 25 January 2020 Note that this start list is sorted by Surname, and then Forename. See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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Name Age
Club Co.
10K (184)
177Jo Abrams W45 GBR
153Aoife Anderson W40 This mum runsGBR
214Jodie Andrews WSEN GBR
115Jacq Arnott W50 GBR
179Dan Athey MSEN GBR
176Ioan Aulman M50 GBR
99Kathryn Ayre WSEN This Mum RunsGBR
112Emma Badger WSEN GBR
113Ollie Badger MSEN GBR
135*Matthew Barter M40 GBR
92Rory Bateman MSEN GBR
120Sue Bateman W60 Harley Wood TrottersGBR
118Siobhan Bawn WSEN GBR
84Thomas Bayley MSEN Vegan Runners UKGBR
16Sonia Beaty W45 Wessex canicrossGBR
8Ali Beaver WSEN GBR
134*Elizabeth Bell WSEN GBR
124Joely Bennett WSEN GBR
227Nicky Bishop W40 GBR
174Helen Blackburn W50 GBR
139Sara Box W45 GBR
205Emerald Brampton-Greene WSEN GBR
189Scott Brent MSEN GBR
125James Bridge MSEN GBR
59Vanessa Bridgwater W50 Trail Running AssociationGBR
73Terry Brisland M40 Stroud & District ACGBR
159Ben Brodie MSEN GBR
9Charlotte Brown WSEN GBR
127Sarah Browne WSEN GBR
2Chris Bull M50 Chew Valley SnailsGBR
1Sarah Bull W50 Chew Valley SnailsGBR
241*Paul Burgess M60 Frampton Cotterell HarriersGBR
195William Burns M45 GBR
154Claire Bywater WSEN This Mum RunsGBR
35Debra Callicott WSEN JustrunGBR
15Rebecca Cameron WSEN GBR
187Tom Carley MSEN GBR
90Ceri Carter W40 GBR
188Zoi Chambers WSEN GBR
106Lewis Cleverley M40 GBR
28Jen Cole WSEN GBR
231Neil Cook M50 Lonely Goats RCGBR
203Stuart Cook MSEN GBR
27Jan Cooke W60 GBR
240*Matthew Cooper M45 North Bristol Running GroupGBR
44Claire Corby W45 This mum runsGBR
171Tia Corkish WSEN Dursley Running ClubGBR
17*Phil Cossey M60 Staple Hill RunnersGBR
50Eleanor Cotterill WSEN GBR
155Natalie Cotterill WSEN GBR
70Amanda Cox W40 GBR
95Russ Cox M40 GBR
206Katie Crouch W40 Lonely Goat Running ClubGBR
194James Cutler MSEN GBR
82Alan Daines MSEN GBR
230Catherine Davis W45 GBR
77Suzie Dickinson WSEN GBR
211Mark Dolphin M40 GBR
114Joanne Douglas W45 THIS MUM RUNSGBR
197Mick Doyle M50 Stroud & District ACGBR
109Lynn Dunbar W55 Southville RCGBR
76Amy Dunn WSEN N/AGBR
156Lucy Dymond W40 This Mum RunsGBR
237*Stuart Eldridge M40 GBR
19*Shelley Ellis W40 GBR
173Debbie Emery W45 GBR
172Mark Emery M45 GBR
168Sinead English WSEN GBR
46*Henrietta Eyre WSEN GBR
57Joanne Farr W40 Avon valleyGBR
58Robert Farr M45 Trail running associationGBR
67*Claire Ferris W45 Vegan Runners UKGBR
170Katie Fish WSEN GBR
207Maria Forsythe W50 This Mum Runs BristolGBR
202Michael Francis M55 Emerson's Green running clubGBR
233Michelle Gilson W50 GBR
36Carla Golledge WSEN GBR
136Chantelle Green WSEN NBRGGBR
66Samantha Greenland W45 Run togetherGBR
72Bridget Grew W50 GBR
100Clarissa Gunning WSEN GBR
201Alfred Hall M55 RAF TriathlonGBR
42*Ken Ham M55 Westbury HarriersGBR
71Pip Hann W40 GBR
180Georgina Houghton W40 GBR
157Larry Howard M50 GBR
65Jen Hughes WSEN Sedgemoor StridersGBR
21Sarah Hutchinson W40 GBR
223Seren Irvine W40 GBR
186Alice Johnson W45 GBR
87Madelaine Johnson WSEN GBR
123Laurie Jones MSEN GBR
79Russell Jones M45 Almost AthletesGBR
148Stuart Kemp MSEN GBR
235Amelia Kethro WSEN GBR
236Ruth Kethro W50 GBR
209Emily Kibria WSEN GBR
210Lucy Kibria W45 GBR
212Matt King MSEN GBR
78Neil Kirk M40 GBR
110Heather Kirkpatrick W55 GBR
126Sandra Kitteringham W50 Sole Sisters (North Bristol)GBR
239*Chuck Knight MSEN GBR
119Clare Knight W40 GBR
204Lucy Krebs WSEN GBR
169Rosie Leach WSEN GBR
143Ali Leycock W50 LPS EVENTSGBR
47Mairi Macdonald W40 GBR
140Hannah Maggs W40 GBR
54Andrea Maguire W45 This Mum RunsGBR
199Joe Malloy MSEN GBR
30Caroline McAleese W40 Vegan Runners UKGBR
49Cat McElvaney W40 GBR
5Kirsten Meacham WSEN Kingsway runnersGBR
226James Mead MSEN GBR
69Laura Meredith-Hobbs W40 GBR
145Thomas Miller M40 #LUSH GANGGBR
75Siobhan Myles WSEN GBR
102Paul Newman M60 Somer ACGBR
105Rachel Nowicki WSEN GBR
175Richard Nuell M65 Portishead R CGBR
242*Ben O'Brien MSEN Kingswood Tri Club (Bristol)GBR
34David Osgood M40 GBR
243*Mark Palmer M45 GBR
91Catherine Parker W45 GBR
185Lana Parmenter WSEN GBR
3Bryan Parsons MSEN GBR
147Lewis Pearson MSEN GBR
232Kelvin Peatd M55 Lonely GoatGBR
244*Brian Peters M45 GBR
93Sophie Peters WSEN GBR
43Ian Pickard M50 GBR
48Daisy Pitcher WSEN GBR
228James Podluzny MSEN GBR
116Kelly Porter WSEN GBR
20Georgie Power W45 GBR
10Nicola Proctor W40 GBR
137Natalie Quinlan WSEN GBR
144Jo Rees W45 GBR
151Martin Roach M60 GBR
181Joel Roberts MSEN GBR
229Jill Robinson W40 FitquestGBR
32David Rudge MSEN GBR
97Stu Rutherford M50 GBR
222Michael Sampson MSEN GBR
40Lucy Sanderson W40 GBR
146Tom Simpson MSEN GBR
7Ruth Slade WSEN GBR
178*Clo Slee WSEN Goodgym Race Team (Bristol)GBR
111Ben Smart M40 GBR
128Aaron Sutton MU23 GBR
130Charlie Sutton WU16 GBR
234*Andre Swanepoel M45 Lonely Goat Running ClubGBR
85Emma Swanton W40 GBR
108Claire Taylor WSEN GBR
117David Taylor M45 GBR
45*Sara Telahoun WSEN GBR
98Jason Tinley MSEN GBR
149Ross Townsend MSEN GBR
88Paul Treasure MSEN GBR
104Emily Tucker WSEN GBR
61Mark Tucker M40 GBR
11Rob Umphray M45 GBR
24James Vidler M55 Wye Valley RunnersGBR
23Robert Vidler MSEN Wye Valley RunnersGBR
196Kelly Vincent W45 Fordy RunnersGBR
74Kat Walker W40 Kingsway RunnersGBR
6Melody Walker WSEN GBR
138Charlotte Wall WU23 GBR
60Andrew Warr M50 GBR
133Jessica Watton WSEN GBR
121Julianne Webster WSEN GBR
37Leanne Weeks W40 Emersons Green Running ClubGBR
142Mark White MSEN GBR
38Dan Whiting MSEN GBR
122Anna-Marie Wilkey WSEN GBR
193Carly Williams WSEN GBR
129Hannah Williams WSEN GBR
14Chrissie Wilson W55 GBR
200Edd Wright MSEN GBR
163Emma Wright W45 Bitton Road RunnersGBR
164Jonathan Wright M45 Bitton Road RunnersGBR
41Julia Zimmek W55 GBR

4K (45)
162Elaine Adams W40 GBR
192Maisie Berry WU11 GBR
208Louise Bowers WSEN GBR
86*Catherine Chalmers W55 This Mum RunsGBR
83Lucy Cook WSEN This Mum RunsGBR
191Stacey Coombs WSEN GBR
160Karen Cox W55 North Bristol Running GroupGBR
4Michelle Craker W55 GBR
150Laura Dunato-Davis W40 GBR
63Aaron Dunford MU13 GBR
68Trevor Elkins M40 GBR
101Caro Freeland W40 GBR
141Jack Freeland MU14 GBR
238*Sharon Fudge W45 GBR
213Ali Grove WSEN GBR
190Felicity Hawkins WSEN GBR
131Christi Hopkinson W45 GBR
107Hannah Hounslow WSEN Lonely Goat RCGBR
158Sarah Howard W45 GBR
225Columba Irvine MU11 GBR
224Rowan Irvine MU12 GBR
132Jake Martin MU11 GBR
81Kelly McDonagh WSEN Lonely GoatsGBR
221Saphire Ozolins WSEN GBR
167Faye Pollinger WU14 Vegan RunnersGBR
166Mike Pollinger M45 GBR
55*Greig Portingale MSEN GBR
56*Natasha Portingale WSEN GBR
89Yvonne Purnell WSEN This Mum RunsGBR
152Rob Ralph M40 GBR
33Shaun Scammell MSEN GBR
94*Simon Shellard MSEN GBR
96Victoria Stanley W40 GBR
64Karen Stephens W40 GBR
215*A-J Swanepoel MU17 Lonely Goat Running ClubGBR
216*Savanna Swanepoel WU9 Lonely Goat Running ClubGBR
80Nik Tarrant-Rossi M55 St Peters HospiceGBR
29Sally Wheeler W60 LGRCGBR
39Paulina Whelan W50 GBR
220Jordan Whitman WSEN GBR
165Sarah Williams WSEN GBR
62Anita Wright W65 GBR
183Adam Wright davies MSEN GBR
184Mark Wright davies M65 GBR
182Pamela Wright-Davies W65 GBR

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